April 26, 2024

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Undergrounded Demons. Chapter 42

11 min read


_______???????? The Revenge????????________

????????Chapter Forty-Two

Brought by Chris Val ????✨


°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° California °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

????⚡????⚡????Ajax POV ????⚡????⚡????

Jack stood still for a while,
With his phone still on his ear but he wasn’t saying anything

Meanwhile I was lying on the bed

“Are you still on call?” I asked him after some minutes but he wasn’t responding

I wondered if everything was fine

I touched him from the back
Immediately his phone fell off from his hand

I was shocked that I had to sat up from the bed

Mira pushed the door opened and entered

I had to look at her direction first because I wasn’t sure if she knocked before coming in

“Jack” she called, dropping what she was carrying

I had to turn to look at Jack

His eyes were already filled with tears
I couldn’t think of what could be the problem

“Jack” I called
He still didn’t make any movement

That was scaring me the more

“What happened to him?” Mira asked looking at me

How would I know

“I don’t know, he was on call” I replied
Mira picked up Jack’s phone

It was displayed that Jane was online and was calling Jack’s name

Just then, the call went down

“Jack speak up” I said

“He is dead” Jack said

“Who?” I asked
He kept quiet again

That was really disturbing

“My Dad” he cried out
That was when the real cry started

I felt his pain
It was just like I was the one it happened to

I felt weak instantly

Mira was already crying

She tried to console him while I was already lost


Jack hasn’t been himself ever since the bad news was delivered to him

He didn’t come to school the following day

I visited him that morning before heading for lecture

Axel and his men, except Andrew, were already in the hall when I get inside

I couldn’t tell from their moves that they were expecting to see Jack as well

Mira didn’t show up throughout the first lecture

After the first lecture, I left the hall to our normal place

I needed to find a way to make Jack to feel a little bit relief

His heart was really heavy from how he talked, earlier that day

Soon, I heard footsteps walking into the normal hall

I looked up to see Axel walking in alone

They hardly go around the school without their members but it was different that moment

“Hey Ajax” he said forcing out a smile on his face

Not that we were quarreling, but I could tell when someone does something

“What are you doing here?” I asked instead of cheering back
I wasn’t in the mood
I totally lost it

“Is it bad to see my brother?” He asked back

“You haven’t done that before” I said

“There must be a reason” I added
He breaths out heavily looking at the right hand side of the hall and returned his face back to me
I didn’t make any move, I focused mine on him

“Am just wondering why Jack didn’t come to lecture today” he replied
That sounds caring
I wouldn’t concluded that he was

“Why are you sounding worried?” I asked

“Are you up to something?”

“Why would you think that, I don’t know what to think that’s why” he replied

I wouldn’t try telling him what really happened
Not yet

I didn’t know if it could get him emotional or not but I just don’t want to tell him at that point


Most people who cared about Jack was asking after him as well

After the day lecture, I rushed to Jack’s side

I knocked on his door and it was opened by him
I walked in
He was still looking weak

There was this particular bag that he normally take while traveling

I saw it on his bed,
It looked fully packed

Also, read  Undergrounded Demons. Chapter 36

“Are you travelling?” I asked to be sure of my observation

“I need to get to Mexico for confirmation, am still doubting it” he replied

If not for the case it was, I would have suggested him to wait because weekend was two days time…….

????⚡????⚡???? Henry POV ????⚡????⚡????

After the day lecture, I was still in the hall, scrolling down online when Mr Noah’s call came in

I was surprised because I didn’t expect it

I wondered why he was calling

“I want to see you in my apartment today” he said
I couldn’t tell what his word sounds like but I just hoped there was nothing big

“Okay Sir” I replied while he hung up


I drove straight to Mr Noah’s apartment

Just as usual, he opened the door for me and I drove in

He never change his spot anytime I visit

That his normal and only drink was also there

“You sounds somehow but I couldn’t predict” I said as I walked to where the table was
Because he was already there

“Sit down first” he said and I did

He gave me that drink and I took it down

“Now, into business” he said while I paid attention

“I have been seeing you with Stella and Dennis, what is going on?” He asked

“We want to get down on Ajax and Jack” he added

I had to tell him the truth even though I didn’t wish to
But I found myself doing so

“But that’s not part of the plan” he said

“Yes, I know but I think, if we are able to get Stella into Jack’s life, that would be easier” I responded

“How do you think it will work when you see that Stella is already going far from Jack” he said


“Check how Jack and Mira does, you will see a greater different” he replied

I thought of it
It was making sense even though the plan hasn’t gone any far yet

“Why don’t we use Mira?” I asked after a long thought…….

????⚡????⚡???? Jack POV ????⚡????⚡????

I had to travel down, even though I would be facing a new enemy

That evening, Mira arrived as she promised

We went with her car to get my ticket

“I wish to come with you” Mira said during the ride

I understand that she has been wishing for it but I would be disappointing her again because I couldn’t tell what my Mom was capable of doing

So I had to look for a better excuse

“We haven’t fixed the burial, am just going there to show that I really care” I said

“I can’t sit back just because my foster mother is no longer showing her responsibility” I added

“You are right, at least he deserves some respect” she said
I was glad that she understands the situation

We got to the airport and paid for my emergency ticket

The plane would be leaving that night.

As we were returning home for proper preparation, Jane’s call came in

I know that she would be thinking that I might not come back

“Jane” I called

“Hope you are going to see Dad before when he will be in the ground?” She asked
I understand that she was scared if I wouldn’t come because of Mom
But I had my life straight already

I will never be discouraged

“I will come back first thing tomorrow morning” I replied


“Are you serious?” She asked

“Definitely” I replied

“Am kind of happy a little bit” she said

“Help me and extend my greetings to Mira” she added while I smiled
I couldn’t believe that I smiled after since then

“She is here” I said

“Put her online” she requested

“She is driving, let me put it on loud speaker” I replied

“No, maybe when you guys get home” she said,,,,,,…. …..


°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Mexico °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

????⚡????⚡???? Jane POV ????⚡????⚡????

Also, read  Undergrounded Demons. Chapter 45

Since what happened, Mark cancelled everywhere he wanted to go that weekend

Although he wasn’t home when I called Jack

He was given an empty room in the house for the stay because he couldn’t stay in mine nor Jack’s own


Dad was already placed into the mortuary


That evening, I sat down in the living room, operating my phone because that was another comfortable place to be

My Mom walked out from her room

She turned On the television and switched it to her favorite program

I suspected her move tho

I wasn’t fully concentrated on my phone

I do look at my Mom on several occasions to be sure if her was really watching that her program because she normally do that in her room

“Jane” she called after some minutes

That was when she gets ready to ask me what she has

“Yes Mom” I responded, dropping my phone down

“I want to know” she paused

“Know what?” I asked because I needed to be sure of her question

“Is Jack aware of what happened?” She asked
That was amazing
Has she changed her perspective


“You supposed to know that he must hear it”

“You know very well how much he cares for your Dad that he has to join him at his working place” she added
That was extremely surprising

Was she actually changing

“I have told him already” I replied

“That same evening Dad died” I added

“Is he coming back?” She asked
I thought for a while

Maybe I should tease her and know what she would say

“I don’t think so” I replied

“Too bad” she said hitting her hand on her head


After some minutes, Mark walked in with our last born

He normally take her out whenever he was going to

He also took in charge of her school

“Oh, you guys are here” he said leaving our last born alone and she ran to hug me, then to Mom

“Why shouldn’t we?” I asked

“Not like that but we hardly stay here” he said

“Not to talk of night” he added……..

????⚡????⚡???? Jack POV ????⚡????⚡????

The following morning, I arrived at the airport and took a cab straight to our house

No matter what, I will still see them as my family

Just as I got in, our last born was the first to see me from her room since her room was facing the gate and she normally stays at the window

She met me in the living room

I carried her up

“You left Dad with anger that’s why he died” the girl said
I felt bad
I couldn’t believe that the day I discovered my real self was the day I last saw Mr Lorin

I didn’t get enough time to thank him for taking me in

Our last born’s statement made me to remember all

Even things I failed to do for him as a father

Maybe I shouldn’t have left like that

It could possibly be that he was overthinking, that’s why his death was fast

Then, Jane followed
With a new face

That was a guy but I haven’t seen him before

“Welcome Jack” Jane said walking closer to me
She gave me a hug

“He is Jack?” The new guy asked

“Yes, Jack meet Mark” Jane introduced

“Wow” I said as we shook hands

Just then, my Mom walked out

She paused when I looked at her direction
But I still had to greet her which she responded


Mark took me and Jane with his car

He drove straight to the hospital where Dad was kept

The gave us hand groove and a face mask before we were allowed to go inside and see his corpse

That was when it was clear to me that he was really dead

Also, read  Undergrounded Demons. Chapter 43

I started crying again


After when we got home, my Mom said that she wanted to have some words with me

I didn’t know why but I had to listen

I knocked on her door and she ordered me in

“Please sit” she said pointing at a chair in her room

I sat

“I don’t know how you will be seeing me this days” she started
I wanted to say something because I didn’t get that but I still had to wait for her to finish

“I don’t really hate you but I like protecting my property” she added

I wondered why she would be saying that when her husband just died

“Not that am greedy but sometimes, life needed to be exposed” she said

“I just want you to forgive my manner the other day” she added

“I understand everything Mom” I said

“Surprising, you still called me Mom” she said
That was kind of a question

“I can’t hate you” I replied

“You fed me and trained me” I added……..



°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° California °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

????⚡????⚡????Mira POV ????⚡????⚡????

After the day lecture, I was walking to where I parked my car when Dennis drive from nowhere and stopped before me

He suddenly love smiling which he hardly do back then

“Hi” he said

“Hi” I responded

“I want to take you out, do you mind?” He asked
It was unbelievable

Was it right?

I didn’t know if I should decline him


“Yes, of course”

“Let me call it a date” he added

“I will think about it” I replied

“Okay but I don’t wait too long” he said smiling again as he drove off

“Is that not Dennis?” I heard someone asking
I turned to see Ajax looking at the direction where Dennis was driving to
Which was outside the school gate

“Of course, that’s him” I replied

“Wow, I thought he do come with a cab?” He asked
That was my first thought as well

“That’s right but things suddenly change” I replied

“I see” he said

“But what do you guys have in common?” He asked

“Nothing, he is just asking to take me out” I replied while Ajax nodded and walked away
I turned to look at the gate

Of course, Dennis was already gone

I turned towards my car and kept walking

Just as I was about to open my car, Ajax rode and stopped behind my car

He removed his mask
He turned to look at me

That shows that he wanted to speak with me

I had to walk closer to him

“I just want you to know that eyes are watching you” he said

“The fact that Jack isn’t around doesn’t mean you should be doing this” he added and wore his helmet

But I wasn’t doing anything

“Take care” he said and rode off…….

????⚡????⚡????Ajax POV ????⚡????⚡????

I didn’t know Dennis plan but I didn’t trust him

How could things suddenly change for him

I rode home direct

I rushed to my fridge to get some chilled drink but unfortunately, there was nothing in there

“I forgot to buy again” I said hitting my head with my palm

“Let me go and buy it now I remember” I added and headed out

I got to a bar where they were selling it

I made my order and took it to my bike

Just as I was about to enter my bike, I saw Stella at a spot

She looks stranded
She was waiting for someone
I guessed

I thought of giving her a ride

Just then, I saw Dennis car driving from one direction

He parked before Stella and got down

Stella walked to the driver’s side while Dennis was at the passengers side

“What is that?” I asked myself
She drove off and I followed them but maintaining a good distance

“Could it be a game?” I asked no one to reply


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