October 22, 2024

Korean Novels

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A Night With A Cute Guy. Episode 21 and 22

6 min read

????A night with a
Cute guy????
????Took my virginity????

✍️Prin cess✍️

❌Episode twenty one❌


I became so impatient, and anger raged within me.

I tried to control myself and go to sleep, but it wasn’t working, then someone knocked on my door.

“am coming”,I muttered and opened the door.

Its Michael!

“what do you want?”,I asked.

“well, I knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep coz of all that happened, so I came to stay with you”,he replied.

“thats nice of you”,I replied

“thanks”,he replied, and we both sat on the bed.

“am sorry I didn’t you everything on time”,I muttered.

“there is no problem, at least you told me. You are a good gal”,he replied and I smiled.

We gisted and chatted, played games, watched movies, and I was finally able to sleep.

????The next day????

I woke up very early, getting ready for my surprise visit.

I dressed up, and walked downstairs…….oh, Richie slept here last night.

“hi Richie”.I said.

“hi, shouldn’t we come with you?”,they all asked.

“na, I can handle it”,I replied.


“no, I can handle it”,I replied, cutting them short.

I got to the house, and landed a harsh knick on the gate.

The gate man opened it, and on seeing me, tried to slam it back, but I forcefully pushed him away.

I walked in, and oh….they are seated, in my own house. Hmm, this is wonderful.

“how did you get in here?”,the wife asked.

“mother, my so called mother. I need to know, what are you guys hiding from me? Where is my brother? How did you get your hands on my properties”,I asked, as they were shocked on hearing this.

In no second……Mr dad stood up and walked to me.

Also, read  A Night With A Cute Guy. Episode 1

I slowly darted backwards, but he rushed further and gripped me. He brought out a pocket knife and placed in my throat.

“you wanna know? Well listen! I killed your parents. Yes, I did! Why? Because I was jealous, I had nothing….I was living in this house under the mercy of your useless parents, so I had to kill them to obtain all their wealth. You see, your patents were naive people. Oh, your brother? He tried to escape, so I sent assassin to kill him. I thought as a girl, you won’t be a hindrance, that’s why I spared your life, but now I see you have bitten more than you can chew”,he said, and Pierced my throat with the knife, I felt sharp pains, as he slowly released me.


“Guys I have a bad feeling about this”,I said.

“me too”,Richie supported..

“i think we should go there now”,nora replied and I got the car keys.

She ran upstairs, for a reason I do not know then came back.

“lets go”,Richie said and we all ran out

I drove to the place…..since Richie had the keys, she opened the gate and we entered

We all rushed in, Richie was first

We found lisa lying in her own pool of blood.

“hands in the air”,Richie threatened as nora handed her a gun

Her parents seemed not be scared too much.

“that’s the height of wickedness, am calling the police”,Richie threatened and brought out her phone.

Her father scoffed

“you won’t date call the police on us, we are your patents”,her dad said, and I think his words are piercing deep into her….she let go of the gun. .

T b c

✍️Prin cess✍️



????A night with a
Cute guy????
????Took my virginity????

Also, read  One Night with a cute guy. Episode 7

✍️Prin cess✍️

❌Episode twenty two❌


I stood there dumbfounded…..they are my parents no matter what, but they need to pay for their sins.

I looked at the body of lisa……she is struggling to stay alive as Michael swoop her off the ground and rush outside.

I called the police….“my child, please”,mum pleaded. I looked deep into her eyes.

She seemed so resentful…..but no…I have to do this!

They tried to escape, b͎u͎t͎ luckily I was able to block them.

The police arrived and took them away…..I watched as they pleaded for mercy…… Geez!

Hope am doing the right thing!

I called Michael to find out the hospital he took lisa to, and he texted me the address.

I drove there immediately.

“michael, any update?”,I asked.

“nope, the doctor hasn’t come out of the ward”,he replied.

uɢһ! We stood there for three hours without any sign of the doctor, but nurses were coning in and out.

Hope she is play coz if anything happens to her, I will never forgive my parents.

The doctor then came out, removing his gloves.

“doctor, pls don’t keep us in suspense, how is she?”, michael asked.

“well, she lost a lot of blood, she needs a donor”,he replied.

“well, lemme donate”,I offered.

“well you see, her blood type is rare”, doctor replied.

“uhmn……I have a friend who has a blood type, lemme contact him right away”,michael said and brought out his phone.

“well, be quick coz she has only dome hours left to live”,the doctor replied and left.


“yeah, what’d up bro?”, I said.

“pls, no time, pls come to a hospital, I need your help”,he said in a rash.

Also, read  A Night With A Cute Guy. Episode 15

“guy chill, am busy right now”,I replied.

“pls, its a matter of life and death. I need you donate blood for someone”.he pleaded.

uɢһһһһһ! Someone I don’t even know!

I stood up lazily.

“i am doing this because of you, text me the address”, I said.

“thanks so much, you are a true friend”, he replied and cut the call.

In a jiffy, I revived the address.. I drove there and i was rushed into another ward to test my blood….after some series of tests, I was wheeled into another ward, where I saw a lady……somehow i feel like she is part of me, I don’t really know why!

ţһє blood was transfered, and ı was really weak, but the Doctor assured that after a little rest, am free to go, so ı will be there tonight.

….they all walked in to see her, they all care about her.

“thank you so much, I owe you”.Michael said.

“no problem, anything for a friend”, I replied and forced out a smile.

“uhmn the doctor said both of you are going to be here for the night”, Michael said and I nodded.

“ok, am going to stay here”.he replied.

The ladies left and Michael sat outside.

????pяєċısєʟʏ 1:30????

A nurse came in and disconnected the stuffs on the lady, and was about injecting һer.

“һey, what’s that for?”.ı asked suspiciously.

“uhmn……its what the doctor instructed”,she replied.

“why did you disconnect those stuffs?”.I asked.

“you ain’t a doctor so mind your business”,she replied, and injected her.

She left immediately, and it didn’t take up to two secs a nurse walked in with a plate.

“what is it again?”.I asked.

“what do you mean by that? I have not been here before, and who disconnected this?”.she asked.
