October 20, 2024

Korean Novels

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Afflicted. Episode 14

4 min read

Episode 14
The doctors, absolutely scared, jump out of his way with looks of dread and confusion etched deeply on their faces.
The nurse is trembling rather badly by what she has seen, and she gives a startled scream and jump to one side as Maame Akua tries to get out of the bed.
The stranger is out of the ward again!
Amina quickly approaches Maame Akua and takes hold of her shoulders.
Mama, please, wait here! Don’t go anywhere, okay? I think we’re going to bring Akoto home!
What’s going on, my daughter? Where’s my son?
God sent us a helper, Mama! I’ll explain later, but I need to go!
Maame Akua holds Amina’s hand, and tears are running down her cheeks.
Amina! You’ve been an angel! I saw you in a dream too, with Akoto, and he was so happy, and I know God wants you to be his partner! Forgive me, daughter, for being a bad Christian and thinking some tribes are better than others! I should have encouraged Akoto to love you a long time ago!
Amina smiles.
Our God makes everything beautiful in His own time, Mama! And I know the time is now! Please, lie back down. We’ll be with you soon!
She turns and runs out of the ward after the stranger.
Doctor Kissiedu looks at Mama Akua for a moment, and then he suddenly curses and turns for the door.
He goes out and sees the stranger striding purposefully away.
Doctor Kissiedu begins to run hard, his heart thudding with sudden resolve.
He passes Amina, and then he reaches out and catches the arm of the stranger.
A violent vibration blasts through him, as if electricity is passing through him.
He gives a muted scream and scrambles back, and would have fallen if the stranger hadn’t reached out instantly to hold him steady.
I gave you a warning about touching me, Kuntukununku!
There is abject misery in the doctor’s eyes.
He is trembling fiercely.
Please, please! Please help my baby girl! She will be dead by the end of this week! Please, I beg of you, save her!
The stranger steps away from him and heads for the elevator without a word.
Doctor Kissiedu once again runs round him and falls down on his knees in tears, reaching out bravely to hold the man’s leg.
This time there is no violent vibration.
Now what ails you, Kuntukununku?
I hate that name! But you can call me that, it’s okay! Please, my daughter! Please, please help her!!
I am but a mortal, Kuntukununku. I have no power to heal your daughter!
Oh, please! Damn it! Damn it, man! That woman you just cured… damn it, she wasn’t expected to live! She was brain dead, man! Only her heart had a trace of life! She wasn’t supposed to wake up and be able to speak and be cured of all that massive organ and tissue damage! But you healed her!
Get out of my face, Kuntukununku! I have no powers, I told you, fool! I didn’t heal that woman. I’m but a messenger!
What? But you healed that wo-
(breaking in)
He didn’t heal the woman, Doc. God healed her. That’s what this man is trying to tell you!
Doctor Kissiedu’s eyes fill up with tears now.
Still on his knees he raises both his arms upward and shuts his eyes as tears rack his body.
I believe now, sir, that God does exist, and that His son Jesus Christ died for my sins! I repent of my sins, please! I’ll be going to church with my wife, always! I’ll get baptized! I believe, God, dear Lord, please heal my daughter!!
The stranger looks at the broken man and steps past him again.
In two minutes your wife will call and tell you your daughter is now crying, and that the doctors have taken her out of the support system, and she is bre@st-feeding her! The Good Lord has heard your prayer, and Heaven is happy because another lost sheep has come home, Kuntukununku, you fool!!
The Doctor springs to his feet, but the elevator doors are open and the stranger has entered with Amina.
Wait! Please, sir, wait! I-
The elevator doors swing close, and just then the doctor’s phone rings.
He takes it out with trembling hands.
It is his wife!
He picks the call.
Hello, darling. Ewura Adwoa is up, out of the life support system, and you’re bre@st-feeding her for the first time, isn’t it? Wait for me, I’m coming over right now.
There is a strangled gasp in his ear, and his wife begins to cry uncontrollably.
(tremulously, stunned)
How did you know, my love? How did you hear of the awesome miracle that just happened? I was watching her and suddenly she opened her eyes and started crying and the doctors came in and took her out and listened to her heartbeats and gave her to me to feed and they’re all confused and waiting to run scans and tests and they can’t understand wh-
(overwhelmed, weeping)
Darling, darling, darling, please breathe! Breathe, my love! I know what happened! I have the strangest news for you, darling. Wait, I’m coming over to the Maternity Ward right now! We’re going to church this Sunday!!

Also, read  Afflicted. Episode 9&10

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