February 13, 2025

Korean Novels

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Called by Jesus. Episode 20

3 min read

Episode 20 finale

It took me weeks before I started accepting the fact Michael was no longer with me, it would be a thing of shame of I just abandon my mission and purpose because I was hurt (hurt? Yes that I am) but everything God comes first and that is what Michael would want to, I resign from the hospital and became a full time pastor (it was what my father told me) I did everything to live right before God, and each day God blessed me with new gift and wisdom. You know this country when you start to get people’s attention then you become a star, a public figure like they call it, the medias will be finding a way to bring you public.


I remembered when Angel Michael was on earth he told me the day I become boastful that’s the day the holy spirit will leave me, helping people gives me joy, saving lives makes me feel like not even dying some day ( but no matter how long you leave, you will leave this world some day) all their invite so I could be interview I turn it all down, going on TV to start telling people what God is using me to do is been proud and boastful, let them come to my church and see for themselves, seeing they say is believing.
I had to leave the church I worship because my pastor started to feel intimidated, I wouldn’t say he was jealous God’s business is everyone business so any man who is right with God can do his work, I wouldn’t blame him you know how we human behave, the pastor they have loved and respected because they see me with new grace and annotine they have forgotten how they started with our pastor, I was transferred into another parish but still under RCCG and God has been faithful.

Also, read  Called by Jesus. Episode 18

Mummy Annabel gave birth to twins, even though the pastor was angry at me he still invited me over to pray and bless his twins ” if God didn’t use you, my wife and I would still be barren” he told me. I prayed for the children and dedicated them to our maker who made the heaven and the earth.
This pass few days I have been seeing Michael in my dreams (oh how I wish he could come back to me) I didn’t care about what people said about me ” she isn’t married because her charms forbids her from getting married ” so many things and the more reason I didn’t go for any of those interviews was because they wanted me to come clear the air if it was God that was using me or diabolic powers.
If my father was kissed and crucify for saving us who I’m I?

You remember the restaurant Michael and I went to that he opened my eyes to see see who made the food I was about to pay for and what they added? Our God is good they were caught how it happened I didn’t know but Michael was sure right when he said ” God has given another the assignments to expose them”
All I want to do now is live my life to the fullest serving God and doing all he has commanded me. I use to think I was an ordinary girl who everyone hated but little did I know God was preserving me for the best.
A story never truly ends, it only ends when your journey on earth is over.
I’m going to drop my pan now and wait till when my journey ends, when I will meet my father up high and where I will he rejoined with my husband Angel Michael.
Until then I carry the work of my father as my one and only goal.


Also, read  Called by Jesus. Episode 7

“God is not a man that he should lie, your faith is more important than your prayers”
“Count it all joy when you fall into various temptation, knowing the tasting of your faith produces Patience” James 1:2″
Thanks for reading
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