October 19, 2024

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Clumsy Nurse. Episode 87-89

20 min read

Victors pov
I love the way malcom thinks,he knows better than to send dummys on this kind of mission. Anna
was not at home so we where smart enough to come here. we made sure Ryan didn’t notice us
because Mr dervantes is really dangerous and Lucinda is still in coma as well as dabrelle. Malcom
is avoiding Mr dervantes as much as he can right now so we made sure the boy didn’t notice our
presence because he might call his dad and say he was almost attacked .
making Mr dervantes attack us again.
I and my boys rushed into Anna’s suite its obvious she is here alone,perfect. we strolled in and
searched.we turned the house upside down but no sign of Anna. my boys went the suite round
and I personally went to the back yard no one is here.
I tried walking out when I heard sounds from the pool. I looked into the pool but theDaniella ooks
I saw bubbling inside the calm water…hmm could Anna be………
I tried removing my shoes to dive in when my boy spoke into my ear bud
” Mr dervantes only son is here
“he came with security
” what
“we need to leave … Malcom said we should avoid anything that concerns Mr dervantes
“he came with 20 guards…let’s leave quietly because even if we engage in a battle they will beat
” ok..am coming out
I hastily ran off with my boys thank God we found our way
Clara pov
I instantly came out if the pool crying. all thanks to my ability to swim I would have died there.
thank God I called Ryan where is he . malcom what did this family do to you. Anna am glad you
fell sick cos I don’t think you can really fight what I have fought for you I wiped my tears and
started coughing.Ryan rushed in and hugged me deeply just what I need….he held me tight
” ryan
” it’s ok.
he wiped my tears and carried me up soon we entered the house.
” Clara are you okay?
” malcoms men ..they want to kidnap Anna so they can use her to blackmail issabella into signing
the files.
“why didn’t you tell me before..we would have tracked them down
” this is the judgement night Ryan I don’t want to get only malcom.I need to pin down both malcom
and Tonia with one stone..
” what’s your plan
” am still trying ..trying to create one
Ryan pulled me in and hugged me deeply even in my w€t cloth , he unlocked and I kissed him for
long minutes. I unlocked and kissed him again
“ryan don’t follow me please
“where are you going to?
” I need to work please wait here don’t go anywhere
“you know I can’t do that
“ryan i can’t have you with me..you distract me ..but am distrusted too if i am thinking about your
safety. if you want me too defeat malcom and come back you need to assure me that you are safe
first.so stay here with your guards… there is food in the kitchen.Malcom knows you are my biggest
weakness he would try to harm you I dont want to think of that I need to concentrate.
I hugged him then kissed him deeply for a long while after which I let go and removed my cloth I
ran away.
I called my Chris
” Chris go to our research department
“i am here Clara …
I entered my car and the driver took off.soon I arrived I checked my time 7:50.only Chris was there
only him is enough.
“Anna I am sure malcom will find another way to convince Isabella to sign
“I know but we won’t give him time ..I need to u to hack into tonias line and send her a text
message to meet malcom exactly where issabella is, you know how to put it.
“ok…I will send this text but what if she doesnt go
“she would cos she belives the secret is only between her and malcom as well few of malcoms
trusted men
“ok…I will try.
I hastily placed a call to Anna’s dad
” dad
“my love
” I want to tell you something about Tonia
“Anna don’t start again
“dad follow Tonia…not only you…follow her With all your men
“Tonia is not going out
” she will.
i dropped the call now it’s time to involve the law I called my favorite prosecutor on phone.
finally Emma picked up
” Anna
” Emma issabella has been found
” good
” do you need info on who kidnapped her and also locked her up for months
“Yes…we have been on this case for long
” Tonia Alexandra Grande just left her house,..follow her.
“ok…I will
Emma dropped the call and I looked at Chris
” the game is about to end” I said
” Yes
“won’t you go?
“no issabella will I know that I am not her child ..she can’t expose me in that kind of crowd.rather
when she comes home I will tell her the truth that i am Clara and I am just helping anna
“ok good luck
auroras pov
I can’t belive issabella agreed to sign this just after malcom threatened her with Anna’s life.I
handed her the file and she opened it malcom smiled.
just then Tonia rushed in
” malcom what is so important ” Tonia said
“what …did i call you?
“you didn’t ?
“did you receive………… shit everybody clear..clear..move issabella now , I think Tonia was
before we could all take one step forward Mr Grande arrived with thousands of men blocking us.
oh no its too late…. Malcom has too surrender.
” Tonia so it was you ?” Mr Grande said
“Grande I am…….
“I will make sure you rot in jail… you both.
Malcom smiled and dropped his file
” let me go grande am innocent.
few seconds to the statement prosecutor Emma arrived with alot of officers she arrested both
malcom and Tonia but I know malcom will come out of this because it was all Tonia . I too was
arrested as well as all of our boys.
Mr grandes pov.
I hastily hugged issabela she looks so slim..I can’t believe tonia did this. I carried issabella up
and she fainted in my arms… Malcom and Tonia would never leave prison, never.I carried
issabella home.
Clara pov
“it was successful Clara…they where arrested.” Chris said
“I pray malcom doesn’t walk out
” finally issabella has been found… you should be proud.
“Anna will be so happy.
I left and Chris left .I walked down and got near my car when I saw Daniella
” Ella?
“why did you arrest my mom?
“Ella your mum kidnapped my mum
“your mum? you are not Anna!
“I kept quiet because I knew you want to help her secure the company and that’s not my business.
I only care about two things my mom and Ryan .
you took Ryan now you want to take my mom too. get ready because this war is between me and
I will expose you, I dont know who u are but I know you are not Anna.
you have pushed out the enemy in me and I will be your new enemy.
the real Anna is dead and I will expose you and you will go to prison for impersonation.
then i will take that position fRom you because I will expose you And frame you with so much lies
that my dad will hate you.
the girl who killed Anna and took her place must be stoned to death
you pushed me now wait for me.
” Ella
she rushed out.
Anna where are you? its time to wake up and come back I have been found out.
my good act can’t be used against me…if Daniella lies that i hurt you and took your place I will be
doomed before u even return.
I was so scared ,so scared I couldn’t breath. how can I help someone achieve her dreams only at
the cost of loosing of my own . I entered the car hastily and the driver took me back to Anna’s
suite. I rushed in and hugged Ryan tightly we both balanced on the floor
” Ryan ….am so scared” I said leaning on his shoulders
” what happened
“Daniella found me out and she ,she threatened to frame me ryan. if she exposes me and lies
against me who will believe me?
” Clara its ok…Ella can’t do anything I will talk to Daniella for you.
“no dont..I know how females brain work. she has a powerful tool for blackmail she would ask you
to be with her
“you know I can’t
“just don’t meet her ,I will surely find a way around this. if only Anna’s mum didn’t faint maybe I will
tell her the truth and ask her to claim me as Anna.
” issabella fainted but we don’t know when she would wake up…I was called on phone but I
couldn’t go sincebe ou told me to wait for you.
I held Ryan tight and gently kissed his chest.his fragrance and warmth made me feel care and
Tony’s pov
surgery was completed and stated successful but my Anna doesn’t want to wake up.
just then my phone rang it was clara
” Clara
“oppa where is Anna,is she not okay yet
” getting better
“am really scared I was found out and Anna needs to return before they harm me
” who found you out
“did Ryan talk to her
“I don’t want him to
” Anna’s surgery was successful we are just hoping she wakes up…she will return home as soon
as she wakes up.
” Ok.
I dropped the call, Anna Clara sounds so scared you need to wake up you have been treated.
Anna wake up its your turn to Protect her just like she protected you too. if she is exposed and
framed she would suffer you know your dad loves you to blindness..he will hurt Clara if she
doesn’t provide you and now she knows nothing about where you are. Anna don’t think of dying
please no one wouldn’t defend that innocent girl if you die…she needs you now.
I fell on her chest and slept off. with my face on her still hoping.am not the sick one but
restlessness has made me weak.
next morning
Daniella’s pov.
seems issabella is getting strong ,i can’t get distracted I need to meet with malcom ..yes he was
released, i knew he would be released.it’s time to expose the face behind the mask and he alone
can help me solve this case.
I hastily wore my slipper when Anna walked in or should I say the stranger. if I return and she is
still here I will get into a cat fight with her and expose her face for all to see.
I walked past her and just when she thought wanted to pass I dragged her back.
” what are you still doing here?” i asked
“Ella I don’t know what you drank, I don’t have to defend myself for you to be satisfied. I am not
Anna? what nonsense!! if I am not Anna am I daniella?
“there is no need lying i will expose you in the most painful way.
“I don’t know your plan but you will
disappointed because I am Anna..I am Anna!!.
she entered issabella’s room…don’t worry when I expose you you will realize how wicked issabela
and Grande can be when it comes to ANNASTASIA, they won’t hear any words until you give
them their daughter, they won’t belive anything you say …they already lost one child ,they don’t
joke with this one.
claras pov.
I just pray issabella doesn’t recognize me ..soon anna will come back I just want to do this work in
a clean manner and go… no one should find me out ,God please help me…if they catch and take
me to jail I don’t know what to say , there is no proof that Anna begged me herself…I don’t even
know where Anna is.
miss issabella all I know is that you are beautiful but I really don’t know the kind of heart you
have..you are a mother I know you will recognize me the moment you see me but I really pray you
don’t..I pray.
saving you was one of the main reasons why I decided to act as Anna I am not a bad person the
universe bear me witness.
I opened the door and she was on her bed taking a drip. her eye was open and I am happy. I
smiled and walked towards her…she smiled at me as she forced her eye to widen
” mom
“come closer” she said .I nodded and rushed after her she hugged me tight pulling me to herself
on the bed.
this woman didn’t recognize me .
after a while she unlocked.
” thank you so much for finding me my child
” I am glad I did….. I really couldn’t do anything without you mum.
she smiled and took my hand to herself she looked at my hand for while and kissed it.
” how Is Ryan,
“he’s fine…i left him at home
“I missed you baby ” she pulled me into another hot deep hug I was so happy…at least she
doesn’t recognize me.Daniella please wait lemme go in
after a while I rushed out of the the room and picked my call, Emma was calling.
” Emma
“Anna malcom was set free
“I expected that …. let’s meet,i know exactly everything we need to arrest mAlcom again and send
him to jail this time.
I dropped the call
malcom left?….. he really has so much power but he Wont know what hit him.
Tony’s pov.
I don’t care what the records are saying or how Anna is reacting all I know is that Anna must wake
up.I haven’t visited her today i pray she is safe when I do.I carefully arranged and organised her
stuffs so it won’t ‘be hard to pack up.Anna needs to go home immediately she wakes up. she
needs to be there before Clara is ever exposed.
after packing I kept the bag and headed to the hospital.
I walked down to where Anna lay on the bed.she is still lyng the same way it means she didn’t
wake up.I met Shane
” Shane is there still no hope?
“actually there is,Anna should wake up before night fall.
“not sure ….but we saw some reactions
I smiled and rushed towards her then I hugged her tight.
Anna wake up okay…please.
Daniella pov
finally I arrived malcoms office,distance made me think I will never her here. I rushed in and
malcom was busy making calls like he had only 2 minutes on earth.he saw me and dropped his
” Daniella
” I have information for you malcom
“tell me
“Anna seems dead.
“hahaha what are you saying.
” the person whom we have been seeing and working with is not Anna
” its not Anna rather a masked impersonator
” wow no wonder….the I.q was so different.
“yes ,i need to expose her but also in such a way she would go to jail and I will take Anna’s place.
“I will help you pull the impersonator Down its not a big deal.it will be in such a way that even
issabella or Grande won’t save the impersonator..law is law. only a true blood should sit on that
chair and seems Anna is dead so u will take over Ella.
” yes I should , its my right… but whats your price.
“after I helped you I Wil tell to how to pay me back Ella
I stood up and headed out.
malcoms pov
hahaha I taught as much. I Wil expose the fake Anna and the next Grande which is Ella must sit.
Ella is so bent on saving Tonia not knowing that Tonia is her enemy who kidnapped her because
of her net worth.
after Daniella takes Anna’s place she will be my puppet just like her mum was… she is Mackenzie
she has the power to sign both a.g.h.c and m.m.c to me ..more power, more wealth .
I am glad u to came to me, when time hits I will blackmail you or even kidnap you ….. all i know is
that you will sign everything grande has to me.
hahahahaha so Anna is dead ,a.g.h.c is weak.Arora walked in
” arora
“get me a meeting with Mr Choi..I need the biggest and most powerful shareholders meeting to be held in a.g.h.c
“also invite the lab technicians,there will be an open blood test of the person impersonating Anna..
“what If it is Anna.
” the blood test will prove it…
“Ok sir
she left.
I can’t wait to see the brain behind everything that has been happening in a.g.h.c.
Clara pov.
I am going to meet Emma now,its time to place malcom where he belongs ..just then Rachel
” hello
” Clara there is a problem
“you have been summoned to one if the biggest share holders meeting in the history if a.g.h.c
“what Is the topic of discussion so I can read up
“topic is you
” I don’t know how it spread but all the shareholders know that you are not Anna so you are
summoned to the meeting to prove your self…even Anna’s parents will be there.
I dropped the call and my phone fell of.
my phone rang I picked up it was Chris ,i even forgot I told him to look into Daniella for me and her
” tell me
” Tonia was never pregnant when she left Grande
” did she leave grande?
” she was his wife’s friend and she seduced him from there it became an affair . issabella found
out and sent her away, issabella was pregnant with Mackenzie then. she left and returned after
the death of aaliyah with a baby saying it was hers from Grande…but I am telling you I just looked
into her past and she was never pregnant clara.
” Ok , what did Mr grande do when she returned
“of course the baby was tested with Mr Grande’s blood and it was a match so Tonia became a
legal wife because she owns a true blood.
“but you just said Tonia was never pregnant
“never, seems she stoldjust baby
” but how did the child she stole turn out to be a Grande during the blood test
“meaning she stole the Baby from the right source….. she stole issabella’s baby to help her
become a wife …maybe just maybe ,Mackenzie never died maybe Daniella is Mackenzie.
” Chris that’s possible… but issabella is a mother and blood is thicker than water.. how can
issabella watch Daniella grow from infant to adult and she didn’t get the slightest signal that it
could be her baby…blood is thicker than that Chris.
“well this is all assumptions , we are not sure.
” Ok…. i will call u
” Ok.
could daniella really be issabella’s child I pray so …but how can issabella stay with Daniella from
infant to adult and not realise it’s her baby ..i understand that Tonia might not allow her to carry
her but …… blood is still blood.
I walked further and Emma sat waiting for me.
” Emma
” Anna good day
” malcom does drugs,he deals illegal drugs
” I know …I once cought him but the case was covered up because of no evidence…he is using
m.h.c here to move drugs.
” there is evidence Emma , I left a recorder under his table.. I don’t know if he found it but if he
didn’t it has more than enough evidence to arrest mAlcom.
“good, very good… all I need is a search warrant
” can you get it before the general board meeting?…..I need something else to distract the board
“why? is the rumour true? are you really not Anna?
” not that,i am indeed Anna.
” Ok, but these things normally take little time.
“I will see what I can do , thank you ANNASTASIA
Emma left and I stood up ,general board meeting tomorrow God please I need a miracle, just send
Anna over send anna home.
tonys pov
it’s evening , they said she would wake but nothing is happening…
I pushed in my tears ,just then Anna moved her fingers , I smiled and touched her hand then I
moved to her and took her face into my hand
” Anna ,Anna!
she weakly opened her eye and I hugged her.
“are you okay?
she nodded
“can you Talk?
“Clara is crying ” she said
“Clara Is so scared..she’s crying..her spirit forced me to wake up…I don’t want them to harm her”
Anna said,
what kind of strong bond Is this how can Claras emotion get to you I was the one she called on
phone but you ,you felt it so much that you had to wake up …
” Anna if you will save her you need to go home now .we will arrive later and you replace her , she
will return home this midnight secretly in a way no one will see her that way you will be the one to
attend the general board meeting.
“but I just…..
” she can’t travel…it’s not safe ” Shane said walking in
” but she looks strong a bit” I said
“she can’t travel …she can’t until two days time…or full 30 hours.
” Ok.
” congrats Anna,you are in full health” he said walking out
Anna smiled and I stole a kiss from her.she took my hand.
” did Clara call you
“yes ..Daniella found her out ,there will be a general meeting to confirm her identity.
“when’s the meeting
“who will save Clara now?” She asked
I hugged her tight.
claras pov.
issabella won’t let me go to Ryan ..rightfully I should stay with my sick mum.though am scared of
being too close to her before she unmask me… I called Ryan on phone..am sorry Ryan so really
neglecting you nowadays dont worry the game is about ending.
he picked
” my survival” he said i smiled
” Wont you come today too?” he asked calmly. I walked towards window as though he was there.
” Ryan not yet…I need to be very careful so Isabella doesn’t find me out ,i already heard she is a
no nonsense woman.
” I miss you that’s all I can say
I smiled happily.
“I miss you too Ryan…do you have surgery by morning?
“like 4
I smiled
“good luck.
“thank you.. you are okay clara right?
“yes…. am fine…I have a feeling the board meeting will favour me not Daniella.
“yes ,me too.
I smiled
“Ok goodnight.
“I love you
“I love you too.
I dropped the call and issabella walked in carrying a plate if chocolate..
“oh mom
“Anna did you start watching your Weight,why did you leave the chocolate I made for you.
“sorry.” I took the plate from her and she hugged me tight.
Issabella sorry to say this but you are not too smart , Tonia stole your baby aaliyah and you still
leave in the same house with her yet you don’t feel that Ella is your blood.now am here acting like
Anna but you still Dont realise that i am a stranger…what is giving you such strong assurance that
i am yours?
issabella unlocked and took my hand she held it tight. I smiled. and she watched me finish the
” you are not Anna” she said and I raised my face in a haste she smiled. ” Daniella is really stupid
to think that. oh God I was scared just now she meant
“you are not Anna?,Daniella must to stupid go think that.” and here I was thinking she found me
” yes… I dnt know whats wrong with Ella.
“does Ella really see Me as a dummy , why won’t I recognize my own baby..I can’t wait for the
board meeting lets end this madness” she said and kissed me then she walked out.
issabella am sorry for deciveing you..I wish I could tell you the truth but that’s not part of the plan
and secondly what If you don’t believe me. Mr Grande am sorry too. if I am found out tommorow at
the board meeting I will apologize to you all there. am really sorry.
Ella didn’t come home ,i guess she us scared of her dad shouting at her.
I fell to my sleep after praying to God for help.
A.G.H.C /R.D.
I walked into the hall only to see a crowd of investors I never saw before. I saw Grande and
issabella . I saw Liam ,i saw Mr dervantes and his wife,i saw different people. even police officers
where present…if I am found out ,this will be the worst day of my existence.I wish Anna will just return now and walk in now its better she comes in and explains. I can’t get caught..issabella will
be irritated with me ,hugging her when I know am not hers..Mr Grande will be mad and shocked a
stranger was hearing all the secrets he shared with Anna… no I can’t get exposed like this.
I sat down in my chair
“please proceed “I said.
” Anna we are here to resolve the issue concerning your identity…I personally I know it’s you and i
trust you ,let’s just stop the rumour once and for all.” m.d said.
“it is not a rumor,she knows that she is not Anna but an imposter” Daniella said.
” Ella how could you embarrass your sister like this? what If she is Anna what will you do?” Mr
Grande said
“she must apologise publicly , she must apologize for wasting our time” Mr Choi said.
“I don’t know what else you all need to hear,this is Anna and she is my child. what kind of mum
won’t recognize her baby? this is annastsia Alexandra Grande and I have proof if that ” issabella
proof what proof…what is she saying am not Anna .
” issabella we don’t need your proof,its obvious you must have connived with the imposter for
reasons best known to you. we will do this the traditional way and the most secure way. I demand
a blood test. if her blood matches to both issabella and my dad then I will belive I was wrong ” Ella
said and my heart beat heated.
“Ella is right,we demand a blood test” president gu said.
Mr dervantes was just so quiet.
“good ,i belive a blood test will solve this mess ” Mr Grande said
” a blood test will be presented to the board and this case settled for once.” issabella said.
just then the lab department walked I saw Ethan ,Diana’s boyfriend. I even forgot he worked in the
lab department and luckily he is in charge of the blood test.
Ethan can lie on my behalf but the question is does he know ?
did Diana tell him I am acting as Anna?
I watched issabella and sir Alexandra’s blood being collected..
just then Ethan came to me
“madam ,if I may ?
I gave him my hand and he took my blood..he walked out
Ethan you are my only hope, I really hope Diana told you that i am acting as Anna.
he returned after few hours.
” good day ladies and gentlemen,the test result is out… even after repeating the test 5 times we
got the same result.it turns out the blood.

Also, read  Clumsy Nurse. Episode 49-50

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