October 21, 2024

Korean Novels

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One Night with a cute guy. Episode 7

2 min read

A night with a
Cute guy????
????Took my virginity????

✍️Prin cess✍️

✏️Episode seven✏️


I dressed up and left for ashley’s house….. Since I has access……I didn’t knock……I just walked in….I couldnt believe my eyes….Ashley was making out with another guy…..????

“do you what? Its over”,I half yelled and stormed out while she called out to me…..

I walked angrily, thinking about it…..I was planning on surprising her…..by proposing to her…….gerz!

Women! Thus was why I never wanted to enter into any relationship in the first place…..now this!

I walked a nearby restaurant and sat there…….thinking.

“hey, that seat is reserved”,a feminine voice said.

I looked up and a pretty lady was seating close to me, on the same table.

Her face seemed pale…

“sorry”,I said, but seems she got a text.

“dont worry, you can stay, she ain’t coning”,she replied and lowered her head.

Now…who will I pity? Me or her????

I stared st her….as tears fell from her eyes.

“mind sharing your problem?”,i asked and she lifted up her head and breathed out loudly.

“My life is a mess”,she muttered.

“Hmm. Mime too”,I replied and she smirked.

“mine is worse”,she replied.


Geez! How did vera get her hands on that phone?

I heard her talking about it….but who could it be with????


I saw blake eaves dropping on our conversation….I knew that phone WS not sfe the.

There must be something relevant in it…..

I quickly went, and collected the phone, left to visit my grandma…and dropped it at her home…

Lemme see how he gets his filthy hands on it.


This new guy Michael is really pathetic, but fun….but am not ready to trust any girl ……….never!

Also, read  A Night With A Cute Guy. Episode 23 and 24