She Belongs To The Kitchen. Episode 5&6
7 min read
The evening of that same day as Bekky was pounding yam for dinner and her husband was already home and shouted at her for still cooking, as she was rushing things she started feeling a bit dizzy and head ache, she thought it was something minor so she continue pounding the yam, after some minutes, the head ache became unbearable and it was like someone was hitting a big nail on her head.
That was when she knew that if something is not done immediately to stop it, it might turn to something else, she started going inside their room to get some drugs, when she got there she met her husband busy with his laptop as usual.
Lawrence: is the food ready because I am very hungry
Bekky: No dear, please pass me that basket of drugs over there.
Lawrence:you want to add drugs to the food you are cooking or what? (he asked still facing his laptop).
Bekky: no, I am not feeling fine so please give it to me now
Lawrence: I am very busy here so come get it yourself.
Bekly: Honey please I can’t, I am really dying here, just help me get it over there
Lawrence: you are not serious!”
When Bekky knew that her husband was serious about not helping her get the basket of drugs she tried and stood up to get it herself, before she could get there it was been kept, SHE FAINTED. Lawrence seeing her on the ground became afraid.
Lawrence: Bekky what is it? is this one of your numerous plank or what? please get up joor.
He touched her, pushed her but she didn’t move, he put his finger near her nose and Lol and behold she wasn’t breathing again, he became extremely scared.
“Bekky honey pie, please get up, I’l am really sorry I won’t do it again I promise, please don’t do this to me, I love you. here is the basket of drugs you asked for, pleasee wake up.
Wally, Wally!!”
He started calling his son who was busy watching Sophia the first.
Wally: yes daddy, what do you want me to.. (on seeing his mum on the ground unconscious, he was shocked).
“ahaaa daddy what did you do to mummy? why is she lying on the floor?
haaaa daddy has killed mummy ooh!”
(he started shouting)
Lawrence: my friend will you go and get me my phone before I beat the stupid hell out of you.
Wally went and get the phone, Lawrence called Cassandra who is a doctor by profession.
Lawrence: hello where are you now
Cassandra: I am at home now, why are you asking? anything the matter?
Lawrence: My wife just fainted oh! she don’t even breath again!”
Cassandra: And you are still there talking, bring her to the hospital right away let me start coming too.
Lawrence: OK, thank you.
(he cut the call and took his car keys, carry Bekky went and put her at the back of his car and left for the hospital, on getting there he met Cassandra already waiting for him).
They carried Bekky inside the emergency room, Cassandra went inside and asked them to leave the room.
20 minutes later she came out looking exhausted. She met Lawrence standing at the door.
Lawrence: Sandra dear, how is my wife.
Cassandra: she is fine now, at least she has regained consciousness. see me at my office.
Lawrence followed her to her office,
“now tell me what happened to her? why did she faint?” (he asked curiously).
Cassandra: she fainted because of too much stress, the way I am seeing it, your wife has been stressing herself too much and it has weakening her body.
Lawrence: How is that possible? the only thing my wife does is house chores, you know I don’t allow her to go to work. what else do you want me to do?
Cassandra: Do you think doing house chores and taking care of a home is a small job? you stopped her from working and in turn made her a slave at her own house.
Lawrence I am really disappointed at you.
Lawrence: Hey Sandra don’t insult me here please, just do your job and let me take my baby home.
Sandra: Sorry Mr , she isn’t going anywhere with you today, until she is better and fit, she won’t be leaving this hospital so go home, get some of her cloths and some things she would be needing including what she will be eating this night.
And again, let me give you a piece of advice, put a call at your working place and ask for a day off because you will definitely be needing it.
Cassandra went home immediately Lawrence left. When she got home she met her husband in the sitting room watching ball, she greeted him
Cassandra: honey I am back, good evening.
Samuel: Welcome dear, How is your besty?
Cassandra: she is getting better . I am so tired and hungry now
Samuel: alright, go inside take your bath, your food is on the dinning.
Cassandra: OK sweety **
As she was going inside their room, she saw her sister coming out of the guest room**
“who do we have here? when did you come?
Amaya: ahaaa sissy you are back, welcome **they engaged in a tight hug**
i really missed you
Cassandra: I missed you more . How are you doing dear? have been expecting you since I heard that your school were on strike.
Amaya: Yes sister, that is why I am here.
Cassandra: alright hope you have eaten, you really have slim down.
Amaya: yes, its because of too much stress.
Cassandra: OK, we will talk more later, right now I am starving .
Amaya : alright!”
**She started going to the parlour**
Cassandra went inside and took her bath after which she went and eat the delicacy made specially for her, by her husband.
She has always been grateful to God for giving her such a caring man as a husband, since they got married 7 years ago, not for once have they had serious quarrel , they have been living on fine even after he lost his job few months ago nothing changed.
The only thing bothering them was that they are yet to be blessed with children and they are patiently waiting on God’s time since medically they are perfectly fine.
When Cassandra was through with dinner, she went back inside their room and lay on the bed. Few minutes later Samuel joined her, laying beside her on the bed, he patted her at the back.
Samuel: Baby, are you sleeping already?”
Cassandra: No dear, I was waiting for you *
She put her head on his chest caressing his checks**
Samuel: I really missed this dear, its been a while we spent time together like this.
Cassandra: Love, its because of the nature of my job, it doesn’t give me enough time to spend with you and I am so sorry about that.
Samuel: Its OK dear, at least you are here now and that’s what matters most.
** He started kissing her, when the kiss was becoming more hot they were rudely interrupted by Cassandra’s ringing phone***
“oh dear couldn’t you just for once switch off that phone, its 10:30pm already”
Samuel said irritated.
Cassandra: No love, I can’t, have you forgotten I am a doctor?”
Samuel: How can I ever forget the main reason why we don’t spend time together”
Cassandra: I am sorry,
**she went ahead and pick it**
“yes what is it? ”
**speaking with the person on the other line** “Oh my God! I will be right there”
(she cut it and turn to her husband who was just starring at her with an expressionless face)”. Cassandra:honey please I need to go to the hospital now, there is an emergency and my presence is urgently needed, I promise to make it up to you when I return.
**she said rushing out of the bed**
Samuel: of course that had been your national anthem for the past 3 years, I promise! I promise!! I promise!!!, when will you fulfil it. Alright you can go, just don’t forget you have a husband too.
Cassandra: I won’t, thank you. and please do take care of yourself for me
**she kissed him, put on her cloth and about to leave.
Samuel: wait, I can’t let you go alone, its already late, let me drive you there myself.
Cassandra: thank you so much honey, you really are the best.
I love you…
Lawrence left the hospital and went home.
On getting home, he met the kids still watching cartoon at the sitting room, he left them there and went inside the kitchen to know if he can finish cooking the food his wife was preparing before she fainted.
He started with pounding the yam, after which he began cooking the Ogbolo soup, he put so much effort in making the food that he was sweating all over his body, he tasted the food to make sure its OK.
Lawrence: oh! what a bitter soup! I think I should add a little sugar so that those naughty children of mine and my wife won’t laugh at me *
He put 5 cubes of sugar and tasted it again** “mmmmmm what a sweet soup, today they will know that I am a man with many talents, no one can beat me when it comes to cooking” He made Eba for the kids because they don’t like eating pounded yam, dish out their food and serve it on the dinning, he packaged his wife own on a food flask before going to call the kids
Lawrence: children! food is ready
Wally: chai! this one daddy cooked today, hope we are safe?”
Deborah: you never can tell, let’s eat first