October 19, 2024

Korean Novels

Home Of Korean Novels

Single Dad. Episode 6

5 min read

DAD ????

???? Babysitting His Crazy Kids ????

Written By Angel Louis ????

???? Episode 6 ????

I stared at her as she stretched her plate to me asking for food. She looks really cute with those puppy eyes.

I took the plate from her and dropped it back on the sync.

“There’ll be no need for that. I’m already done with cooking so you could help arranging them on the dinning.”

I spoke softly to her and she nodded. Staring at me in a weird manner.

I helped in maintaining the kitchen, I dished out the needed for lunch and set it palatably on the dinning.

“Come eat with us. Rosiana” Kayla nudged. Pulling me by the hand.

“Uh-huh. There’ll be no need for that baby girl.. you see. I gotta go. I need to check on my mom. She’s sick and she needs me right now”

I caressed her cheek to soothen her faltering mood.

“You have a mummy?” She looked up at me in puzzlement.

“Off course I do sweetie. But sad enough. She’s very I’ll” I retorted sadly.

“Oh . I’m really sorry. I don’t have a mummy you know. Daddy Said mommy has gone to heaven to sleep” she spoke out innocently. And a sharp pain pierci through my heart.

She doesn’t have mommy again?
That explains a lot. Now I’m beginning to understand why this is so hard for David to keep up.
He’s a single Dad who takes care of the kids Alone.

Isn’t that a lot to handle? Consider he works too. I really feel for him

“Really? Heaven is a beautiful place to be. One day you’ll see her again. So you ought to be happy she’s there. ”

Also, read  Single Dad. Episode 2

*And sad she left you at a tender age*
I almost added that part. I felt really sorry for her

“And you know what Kay! Daddy is ret trying. And he’s a good man too.”

“Yeah I know. But daddy can sometimes be so annoying.” She frowned.

“Hahahaha. Whenever he acts annoying, just know he’s pretty stressed out and he probably needs some rest. And someone to assist him in the house too and also take care of you guys.. so the work would be less”

I tried to explain.

“No no no way.” Janietta cut in

“If you’re insisting or suggesting that my dad gets us a new mommy. It’s not gonna happen. My dad is doing just fine with is”
Janietta retorted.

I never knew she was listening all along.

“What?. A new mommy? We definitely don’t want one!” Noel added.

“Second mommies are bad” Kayla pouted soberly.

“I’m not suggesting anything guys I was just saying…” I cleared off. Raising my hands in the air.

“Well. Don’t say anything concerning assistance for my daddy or a New mommy. Cause we definitely don’t want one”
Janietta walked out of my sight. Looking angry.

Geez! I never meant to upset them????.

???? DAVID ????
☃️Later in the Evening ⛄

I drove back home with junior looking handsome as ever.
Guess what? I just had him an haircut. And that’s why we stayed out pretty long.

I parked at the garage and carried junior out in my arms.

He spoke out some gibberish which I clearly didn’t understand.

I carried him inside and met my kids. Watching TV.

Also, read  Single Dad. Episode 3

“Hey kids! I’m back”

“What took you so long?” Janietta frowned.

“Junior!!!!” Noel screeched and ran towards me to greet his baby brother.
Junior is Noel’s beat buddy. I guess that’s because of their sex. ~both males~

“Sorry. I had to take junior for haircut. Where’s Rosiana? Have you guys had lunch?”

I asked. My eyes filtering the rooms in search of her.

“Yes we’ve had lunch” Noel replied.

“What about Rosiana?” I asked again.

“She left already. She said she wanted to go see her sick Mommy.” Kayla answered.

She left already? I guess I stayed too long then.

But what about her money? The one I had misplaced for her.

She left without the money I promised her.

???? ALICIA ????

I retired from work and got home so late.
Why? Because I stayed long at the office thinking David would show up. And he didn’t.

What a mess!

I walked into my apartment and met Nora seated on the couch. And as usual, busy with her phone.

“Hey. Alli you’re back. And late. Wat kept you till so long?” She asked dropping her phone.

“David of course. I had to wait till this hour thinking he’d come back to the office” I frowned with an eye-roll.

“Did you call to ask why he never came or did you even tell him you were waiting for him?”


“Well I did text him at noon to come over for lunch but no reply. And No, I didn’t call him. Besides he’s too busy with his kids and he barely had time for me. ”
I said with a pout, almost in tears

Also, read  Single Dad. Episode 4

“Play your cards well Alicia. You aren’t the only lady crushing on a ‘Hot’ single Dad. Why don’t you tell him you like him.”

“He knows I like him. But he still hasn’t asked me out yet”

“Him knowing you like him isn’t enough. He’s a single dad. He’s got kids and his responsibilities are huge. He has Alot on his head and he can’t really think straight or even notice you’re dying to go out with him. But at least Alicia, ease him off a little and help the way you can”

She spoke out and I found it hard to understand.

“How? I don’t get”

She breathe out and focused her eyes on me

“How many times have you spent time with him and his kids?”

“None ” i mouthed.
“I mean, I haven’t even met his kids once. Just a picture of them”

“Like seriously?” She stared at me in disbelief.
And then continued…

“The first way to win a Single Dad’s heart is the kids.
Once you know his kids and they love you and accept you into their home, you’re simply gonna have your way with him. Cause right now, his kids are his major priority” she stated a clear fact and I nodded simultaneously to her every word.

“If you want David Alicia, it’s high time you know the kids”.