July 25, 2024

Korean Novels

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The Golden Boys. Episode 38

5 min read

An American Romance Series

Written by me: Authoress succy


Season 2
Episode 38

it’s been over a week since the painful incident, brain hadn’t showed up, not even Richard

Richard kept calling every minute of the day but I refused to pick his call
it’s damn painful to realise that brain is worst than Richard

brain had sex with me and disappeared into thin air
he didn’t gave me a call, not even a text message
I feel so frustrated, sorrowful and ashamed of myself
I felt so used
who knows if brain had a bet with the golden boys that he’s gonna make out with me?
what if he has a video of our sex and use it in blackmailing me?

he never said anything meaningful that day
he didn’t even apologized
he just lean on my room door next he walked towards me
and the next minute I was on the bed
before I could blink, I woke up to see myself unclad
what sort of boyfriend is he?

one who told me to my face, ‘it’s over’
he didn’t even look sober or remorseful
and Richard,he promised me everything just like Brian did but I just don’t know why my heart keep connecting to him
he’s a playboy for goodness sake, a big time hot, romantic player
whose look can send a girl unclad instantly
and Richard just showed me how irresponsible he is
he’s a flirt, a womanizer, a cheap worthless being
he’s the last person I would ever want again for a boyfriend
I regret dating him
I regretted accepting his proposal,

perhaps I just want a shoulder to lean on, I want something that was gonna take brain away from my thoughts
perhaps I was attracted to the fact he had promised to make me actualize my dream of being a dancer
perhaps I was attracted to him cause he’s a popular dancer

Also, read  The Golden Boys. Episode 48

perhaps I was attracted to him cause he had pity on me the first day he had met me on the road, same day brain had broken up with me
perhaps I had never loved him cause right now I don’t feel hurt about what he did
it only hurt to know he’s been lying to me, pretending he loves me
it only hurt me cause I felt he acted just like brain
it only hurt me so much cause I felt am a victim if numerous heart breaks
it hurt me so much to know I have to choose between Richard and Brain
but have chosen my word
the both of them must leave

they must leave me to live my life in peace
they’ve caused more damages already and am afraid it’s late for them to retrace their steps,not when my heart is already in pieces

I can’t believe I had locked up myself in my room for two days
two whole days!
I cried my eyes out for the two guys that ever mean the world to me

the two guys who showed me love and hate
the same guys who broke my heart beyond repair

the same guys who are going to be my past now
nothing is ever gonna make me go back to them
not even grandma!
not even molly!!
not even the intercourse I had mistakenly had with brain!!

I can’t let them into my heart again!
they’ve done more harm than good

molly had already gotten wind of what’s happening
I mean, how won’t she?
when I had locked myself up in my room with grandma and Janet banging on my door frantically for me to to open up.
it’s pretty clear to her now and I know she understands my pains

Also, read  The Golden Boys. Episode 46

am going through a tragic moment of my life and I don’t want to feel more pains than am feeling already

I pulled the towel off my body and my eyes fell on my bed
that same bed I had foolishly make out with brain.
I couldn’t help it, he’s as hot as ever
but not this time, am sure gonna quench his hotness

I pulled a gown from my closet and slipped my body into it
I packed my hair in a corn row and picked up my phone, wore my flipflop and made to walk out of my room

my eyes are damn red and puffy
they were becoming beady and painful
I really need to see an eye doctor before it turns Into something else

“good morning Samantha!”the door opened to reveal Molly, she doesn’t look happy and lively like she used to, seems she’s feeling my pains too

“morning molly, how was your night?” I asked helping her pack her fallen hair
she hesitated before replying my question

“it was good” she relied plainly
“some one is here to see you and grandma told me to come get you”she said and walked out of my room shutting the door gently

who’s here to see me again?
hope it’s not my dance tutor?
cause she’s been pestering me to stop skipping classes
only if she knows what am going through

I don’t think I wanna be part of that competition stuff again am getting tired,coupled with the numerous heart break am receiving right now

I walked out of my room, climbing down the stairs,I froze immediately my eyes fell on him

Also, read  Golden Boys. Episode 33

what’s he doing here?

he suddenly looked up and beamed on seeing me

“Samantha!” he called

“bastard motherf**ker” I refrained myself from saying that to him and turned back climbing the stairs back to my room, when I heard grandma called me back

I slowly turned towards her and Molly held an angry expression on her face
it’s quite obvious she doesn’t like Richard though she tried hard not to make it obvious

“grandma!” I replied walking towards her were she had sat on a couch with molly beside her, pretending like she’s watching cartoon

“hear him out”grandma took in a deep breath and said
I let out a mischievous smile and walked towards Richard who had stood up on seeing me

if I were asked to choose, I will prefer Richard but I will never choose any of them cause they both are mother**king bastards

“why are you here?”I asked icly
“am sorry Samantha
am totally sorry” he said and I frowned

“there’s no point being sorry Richard, it’s over between us
so go meet your bitch”I said in anger

we heard sounds of cars halting inside our compound and molly ran to one of the windows to check who the uninvited visitor is

“Brain”she screamed excitedly and I caught sight of grandma smiling

“Brain is here!” she yelled again