October 19, 2024

Korean Novels

Home Of Korean Novels

Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 22

4 min read

????????LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA????????
????(A tale of two worlds)????
~•A Korean love story….

????Episode Twenty-Two????

Shin Woo’s POV????

‘You’re sick!!’..she laughed and stood up and I frowned..

‘Aigoo,it hurts so bad!!’..I pretended and pouted my lips and she crossed her hands looking down at me…

‘You need pain medications and not a Kiss’..she said and as she wanted to walk away I stood up and grabbed her…

‘I don’t need pain medications,I know the myth Min Ah,that a mermaid can heal your pain just by kissing you right??’..I said and she laughed very hard….

‘Oh my,that’s not true you dumbass,not all myths about us blue sea mermaids are true’…

I think she’s not going let me win this argument about kissing her and I really need to kiss those sweet lips real bad….

‘Ok fine you won’t kiss me right’..


‘Then I’ll kiss Luna’..I said and walked away thinking she’ll object to it but she didn’t ..

‘Hey I’m gonna do it’..

‘Do it’..she replied and smiled devilishly…

I slowed down and started putting one foot in front of the other but she still didn’t stop me….

I stopped and turned back to look at her and she smiled..

‘Go on Shin,go and kiss her’..she said in that innocent voice that always turned me on and I frowned…

To hell with the game…

I turned back and grabbed her and crushed my lips to hers kissing her like my life depended on it….

Her hands dug into my hair and my mind absolutely went blank and all I thought was how I was going to make love to her….

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 29

No not yet…

I’ll wait until she’s ready…

‘Shouldn’t we be doing something?’..I asked breaking the kiss and she snickered..


‘Our singing video’..

‘Oh I forgot’..

‘Ok then let’s go do it now and let’s win that challenge then you and I will write the band’s new song as a couple’….

Unknown POV????

‘Your highness the soothsayer is here’..a servant said..

‘Bring him in’..I replied and the Underwater Soothsayer known as Mako swam in…

I sat back on my throne and used a tiny stick to remove the little parts of squid I ate…

‘Oh Mako Mako,what news do you have for me today,what have the gods of the seven seas said this time oh wise one’..I said in eulogy and he waved his staff….

‘I’m sorry your highness for I bring bad news to your chambers’..

‘What bad news oh wise one?’..I asked in curiosity…

‘Your reign will soon come to an END King Cheng of the merman cove as the gods have adhered to the cries of all the mermaids you killed!!’..he said and I bursted into an hysterical laugh….

‘Is this a joke Mako?’

‘No your highness, the Princess ,Princess Min Ah has been gifted with her mother’s crown which has more power than you can ever imagine, your ruthless reign will soon come to an end’…he bowed and I fumed…

‘Gaurds seize him!!’..I screamed and before they could move Mako disappeared….

To hell with the Gods!!!…

I’m going to kill that human princess!!..

Min Ah’s POV????

Shin Woo????:Picture perfect you don’t need no filter…

????Gorgeous,make’ em drop dead you’re a killer…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 23

????Shower you with all my attention,Yeah these are my only intentions…

Min Ah????:Stay in the kitchen,cooking up got your own bread..

????Heart full of equity or an asset…

????Make sure that you don’t need no mention,yeah these are my only intentions…

Shin Woo????:Shout out to your mom and dad for making you…

????Standing ovation they did a good job raising you..

Min Ah????:When I create you’re my muse..

????The kind of smile that makes the news…

‘Shin Woo you gotta come down now!!’..Kim interrupted and we both stopped singing…

‘What Kim?’..

‘Your mom is here!!!’…

Shin Woo’s POV????

My mom is here?!!..

Omma is here!!!…

Min Ah and I both ran downstairs and I saw my mother and Luna’s mother seated on the couch looking serious….

‘Omma,when did you arrive?’..I asked pecking her cheeks and she laughed…

‘Just a minute ago’..

‘Well you should have told me you were coming here,what are you doing here anyways?’..I asked and she frowned..

‘Can’t I come and see my own son?,well I have good news for you’..she said..

‘What news?’..I asked and she squealed…

‘You’re getting married sweetheart!!!’…

‘What!??!!!..to who?!!’…

‘Luna lang’

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