October 19, 2024

Korean Novels

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Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 35

4 min read

????????LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA????????
????(A tale of two worlds)????
•~A Korean Love Story…

????Episode Thirty-Five????

Min Ah’s POV????

‘How come you’re alive?!!’..I cried out as I hugged her tightly and she smiled with years in her eyes…

‘Uhh Min you never told me you had a beautiful sister?!!’..Shin added and I sneezed…

‘it’s a long story so you have to sit down’..I replied and we all sat down including the stranger…

‘Well after King Cheng killed every living mermaid under water I disappeared into the forbidden realm’..

‘The forbidden realm?!! and you survived?’..I asked and she nodded…

‘i met a an unusual merman when I was almost at the brink of dying and he gave me a necklace,his name was Mako,the necklace protected me and one morning I found myself on the shores of the human realm’..

‘Y..you mean the beach right?’..shin added and she frowned..

‘Yes,Yo soo and his brother Mark found me and took care of me and when I saw your picture on their magic box I had to come see you,I missed you so much!!!!’…she cried and we hugged again ..

Seeing Min Nana made me believe that the mermaid cove is not totally in inexistence…

‘So how do we celebrate this reunion!’..shin said obviously happy and I rolled my eyes…

‘Ice cream!!’..

‘No sweetheart you’re not fooling me this time’..he said and Min nana looked confused…

‘is he your mate sister?’..she asked and I laughed..

‘What does she mean?’..He asked and I shook my head…

‘Yeah Min Nana he’s my mate and also the father of my unborn child’…I said and Kim came out from his room…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 14

‘Did I hear the word unborn child?!!,who’s pregnant?!!’…he asked as he climbed down the stairs and when he saw my sister his eyes widened….

‘Kim’..I called but he remained dumb as he looked at Min Nana..

‘Hey Kim,wake up’..Shin said and tapped on his head..

‘Not cool Shin,so who’s pregnant this time?’..he asked and I raised a brow at the question…

‘Min is pregnant for me you idiot and why did you add the word this time?’..he said and we all bursted into laughter….

‘i will be taking my leave now,please take care of yourself Min Nana,I’ll be coming to visit you once in a while’..the stranger said and left….

‘Hey Min let’s go upstairs it seems like Kim is in love with your sister’..Shin Woo whispered and I giggled like a school girl…

‘You’re crazy!!’..

Luna Lang’s POV????

I walked into the mansion and opened the door and the whole house was bubbling with activities…

What is going on here?!!…

I walked into the living room and found a girl seated with Kim and they seemed to be engrossed in a conversation…

‘Who’s this new bitch?!!’..I screamed and Kim jerked up in fright..

‘Why are you here Luna?,I thought you’re married to your mother?!!’..he said and smirked…

‘Ha ha not funny Kim,who’s this?’..

‘She’s Min Ah’s sister’..he said and I shouted…

‘Gbo?!!!..now there are two wenches in the house?!!,Oh God I need a drink?!!’..

I walked up to my room and heard Min giggles from Shin’s room,stupid couples…

I pushed in the codes to open my door when I heard Shin say ‘What do we name the baby’..

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 12


Min Ah is pregnant?!!..

This is so not Good….

I grabbed my phone immediately and dailed Omma’s phone..

????;Hello starshine

????;Omma there is a huge problem…

????;What baby?..

????;That Wench’s sister is here and most of all she’s pregnant for Shin Woo?!!..What do I do??..

????;That is not a big problem my baby..remember those abortion tablets I gave you?..

????:Uh Uh?…

Shin Woo’s POV????

At Night????
‘Shin please wake up’..she cried out and I groaned..

‘please let me sleep’..

‘Kang Shin Woo!!!!!’..she screamed so loud and I jerked up from the covers of the bed…

‘What?!!..what?!!’..I screamed obviously still tired and she smiled looking at me seductively…

‘Can I please get a glass of milk?’..she asked and I frowned..

‘You’ve gotta be kidding me Min,it’s 2:00am and you want a glass of milk??’..I admonished and she started crying all of a sudden…

‘i want milk!!!!!’..she screamed and I got up from the bed and went downstairs to get her what she wanted…

‘Wanting a glass of milk who does she think she is??’..I murmured and someone’s hands touched me from behind and when I turned it was Luna..

‘What do you want Luna?’..I asked as she untied her robe revealing only her bra and panties..

‘It’s obvious superstar,I want your body,I want you’..she whispered as she moved closer to me but I gently pushed her away…

‘Sorry bitch,I’ve got a pregnant girlfriend upstairs and she needs a glass of milk so move out of the way!!’..I fired back and she looked shocked…

She tied her robe and hissed going back to her room…

I poured the glass of milk for Min and took it upstairs and Min was already looking angry….

‘What took you so long?!’..she cried and I sighed..

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 17

‘I was taking care of some unfinished business,just drink up okay,I want to sleep’..I replied irritated and she drank the whole thing…

I lied down to sleep and all of a sudden she vomited..

The worst part was that she PUKED ON MY BODY!!!…



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