October 19, 2024

Korean Novels

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Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 37

5 min read

????????LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA????????
????(A tale of two worlds)????
•~A Korean Love story..

????Episode Thirty-Seven????

Min Ah’s POV????

‘She’s lying!!!, I didn’t put anything!!’..Luna screamed as tears flowed down from my eyes..

‘I’m not lying Shin Woo,I saw her put something inside and if you think I’m lying tell her to drink the remaining juice!!’..Min Nana screamed and Shin glared at Luna..

Luna shivered and he picked up the glass cup..

‘You heard her loud and clear Luna,drink it’..he said and she slowly took the glass from his hands…

Baek hyung and Kim walked in to watch the unfolding drama as Luna’s hands vibrated around the glass…

‘Drink it Luna!!’..Shin screamed and the next thing I knew she threw the glass away and wanted to run but Baek was quick enough to hold her down ..

‘Call the cops!!!’..Shin screamed and Kim scrambled on the table for his phone…

She wanted to kill my baby?!!…

My own child?!!…

I knew she was wicked but not to the extent of killing a child?!..

‘I think I want some time alone’..I said as I walked upstairs slowly…

‘Min Ah please wait’..Shin begged but I pushed him away..

‘Please leave me alone Shin Woo ever since we’ve been in this relationship it’s one trouble or the other and I’m always the one suffering for it!!!’..I screamed in tears and he scoffed…

‘Look Min are you trying to blame me?,is this my fault?,for crying out loud don’t be dramatic’..he said and I held myself from punching him…

‘Yes Kang Shin Woo it’s all your fault!!,your mother totured cause I was in love with you, I suffered enough humiliation from your so called ex girlfriend and now she’s tried to kill my baby!!!!’..I fired back and he dug his hands into his pockets…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 25

‘Hey Uhmm the cops are here’..Baek said and we both screamed at him..

‘Get out!!!!’…

I walked upstairs and went into my room and slammed the door on his face and when he opened it his eyes were blazing in anger…

‘Did you just slam the door on my face?!!’..he screamed and I ignored him..

‘Please leave my room Shin I want to rest’..

‘i should leave your room?,so it’s no longer our room it’s now your room?!!’..he asked and I sighed…

‘It’s my room and take all your stuff, I don’t want to share a bed with you anymore!!’..I screamed and threw his things outside and he held my hands…

‘Don’t push my angry button Min you won’t like it!!’..

Kim Hyun’s POV????

Baek,Nana and I watched as the two lovers argued with each other and when Min Ah started throwing his things outside we all went outside….

‘Jeez I’ve never seen Min so angry before,it’s like she’s someone else entirely’..Baek said and Nana laughed…

‘it’s the pregnancy at work,when a woman is pregnant she tends to have enormous mood swings that’s why she’s so pissed for no reason’..

‘How do you know all this?’..I asked and she blushed but kept silent..

‘i don’t Want to talk to you ever again!!!!’…I heard Min Ah scream and then a huge slam of the door followed…

How did this argument even start?!!..

They’ve been arguing for over thirty minutes that they totally forgot about Luna’s arrest…

‘Well they’re a couple and they’re expecting a baby soon so fights are normal’..Baek said and winked at Nana…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 28

What does he think he’s doing??..

‘Hey Baek please go talk to Shin’..I said trying to make him leave and he did…

Min Nana was looking at the clouds smiling and it kinda made my heart jump..

I snuggled close to her and she turned to look at me curiously…

‘What?,I’m cold’..

Shin Woo’s POV????

Who does she think she is?!..

Always blaming me for everything that happens to her??..

Making me feel like I’m always the cause of her misfortune, I’ve been running all over Korea just to get her what she wants and she doesn’t even appreciate me…

Can I come in?’..I heard Baek say..


‘Look man you’ve got to chill for a little bit’..he said and I frowned at him..

‘i should chill?!!,she called me a selfish bastard and you’re saying I should chill?!!’..I screamed and he laughed…

‘Why are you laughing?, what’s funny?’..

‘You know that when a woman is pregnant she tends to have mood swings right?’..

‘Yeah I know that’..

‘Good so Min is still in the first stage of her pregnancy so you have to be patient with her’..he said and I sighed…

‘Okay fine I’ll go apologize to her’..


Luna Lang’s POV????

‘i said I want to speak to my lawyer!!’..I screamed at the officer and he just blew a bubble with his gum…

‘You’re not gonna be seeing any lawyer until you explain why you wanted to kill someone’s child!!!’..he fired and I slouched back…

‘Look officer they’re clearly lying against me do you know who I am?!!’..

‘Yeah I know that you’re the former leader of the Pink Panthers who left for the BOTS crew and your career is slowly dying!!’..he replied and I screamed…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 22


Shin Woo’s POV????

At Night????
‘Min!!’..I called from her door and I heard her sniffle…

‘What do you want?, go away?!!’..she replied and I smiled a little bit…

I love it when she tries to be stubborn…

‘Please open the door,I brought Sushi as a peace offering’..I said and slowly she opened it…

I walked in and dropped the tray on her bed and smiled a little..

The Min I know never rejects food…

‘Look I know you’re angry and it’s not your fault’…I said and she scoffed..

‘So are you trying to blame yourself?!!’..

‘No that’s not what I meant’..I said and she hissed..

‘So you’re trying to blame me then!!!’..

‘Just listen and stop acting crazy!!’…I screamed softly trying to control my own temper from exploding..

‘Oh so you’re saying I’m crazy right!?!!’..

‘Min Ah just shut the fuck up!!!!’..I finally screamed and she bursted into tears…

‘I hate you so so much!!’..she screamed and threw the plate of food on the floor and it made me so angry…

‘I can’t put up with your attitude anymore Min Ah,you’re becoming unreasonable, what happened to the sweet girl I know!!!’…I screamed and she laughed…

‘It’s over between us Shin Woo,I don’t love you anymore!!’..she said and I turned to leave but then I turned back…

‘it’s not over until I say it’s over!!’…I said and kissed her softly on the lips and she calmed down…

‘Now isn’t that better?’..I said and she smiled and then hugged me..

‘Don’t let go’…she murmured and I smiled..

‘I won’t’..


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