July 25, 2024

Korean Novels

Home Of Korean Novels

My V Bride. Chapter 25

2 min read


Chapter 25

Fred’s POV

They all keenly stared at me.

“My marriage has been hell as you guys had thought.” I said and gazed at them but none of them were speaking.

They were staring at me instead

“Do you know that ever since I get married, I’ve never made love?”

“Can you repeat that line?” Alfred asked while Daniel sat akimbo.

“My wife and I have never had s—x ” I confessed.

“Are you kidding me , nigga?” Kyle expressed his surprise.

“Is this a prank or something?” Kelvin questioned.

“I’m been serious guys, I’m fed up, I was almost filing for divorce…”

“And what’s stopping you?” Alfred questioned.

“We kissed yesterday and… I promised her that I would stay three more months with her.”

“What you are saying is not making sense, are you telling us now that you have never kissed her too?” Kyle questioned while the rest watched keenly for my answer.

“It was my first time kissing her!” They all screamed and expressed their shock.

“Are you sure you marry a human being, man?” Alfred asked as he stood.

He sat back. They were all surprised. Who wouldn’t be?

“What did you want us to do for you now?” Kelvin asked.

“There is one thing that kept coming to my mind…”

“And that is?” Daniel asked.

“That she never loved me but only pretending.” I said.

“Fact!” Daniel yelled.

“yeah , fact!” Kelvin screamed.

“F—-ck-en fact!” Kyle added

“So true.” Daniel said.

“But I can’t be certain, I needed to know if she loves me or not.”

Also, read  My V Bride. Chapter 85

“So what’s the plan?” Alfred asked.

“I need one of you to act like you love her, I want to see if she will give in easily to you. I know none of you can ever fall in love in the process.” I said.

“Did you just say Love?” Kyle asked like the word ‘Love’ sounds so irritating.

“Love? Are you kidding me?” Kelvin asked.

“You know we don’t do love here nigga.” Daniel added and I let out an heavy sigh.

“So who would help? ” I asked

“Let me get this clear, if any of us decide to act like we are after her and wants her as a lover, can we have s—x with her in the process?” Alfred asked.

“S—x? Oh no! how will you have s—x with my wife?”

“Don’t see it that way, If she can allow another man make love with her cheaply then she’s only pretending for you, involve s—x in this assignment to make it real and balance?” Kelvin said.

“Fine.” I agreed.

Do you think Fred is making a mistake?