July 25, 2024

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Three Month Stay With Mr. Popular. Episode 10

10 min read

????Three Month Stay
With Mr Popular ????
{He is Hot }…

Episode 10

By : Blessing Arubuola

Riele’s Pov

I waited patiently for kayden in the car. Many questions were floating in my mind . Questions like; what will be his reaction when he learnt that a stranger will starts living with him for three months?

How will my life be like in those three Months? Can I really cope? Can I make him falls in love with me?.
Simple thoughts can’t even flows in my head, it was filled with questions and worries.

“Riele… ” Mrs Lia suddenly called me and she placed her hand on mine, her touch even made me shiver.

“MA.. ” I stuttered with a wearily voice.

“You’re nervous right? ” she asked me and I gulped down nothing before I nodded my head in a positive answer to her question.

“You don’t have to scared of anything OK!…”

“My sister? ” I chipped in

“Don’t worry, she will be fine for the three months. I’ll make life comfortable for her during the three months , all you just have to do is to focus on the task given to you OK! ” She said to me with assurance.

“OK. ” I nodded my head.

I glared away from her and my gaze fell on the window. My life will surely take a new turn within the three Months.

I’m not even allowed to see Amber during the three months. This is just like a dangerous mission.

How can I tame kayden’s heart within the three months. I was still in my thoughts when I saw two handsome guys walking towards our car with bodyguards behind them.

I don’t think they’re ordinary guys, people were trooping after them, they was screams everywhere, just as if a concert was held here.

I raised up my head and saw some people with banners, some words were boldly written on it .


“NOLAN, YOU ARE THE BEST ????????!!”

Those were the words inscribed on the banners. Wait a min! Those guys…

Oh my God!

He’s here! I used my hand to covered my mouth when I noticed that he was the one.

“He’s here. ” Mrs Lia whispered to me.

Yes, I know that he’s here. Suddenly sweat balls started streaming me down my face. I’m sweating even with AC working.

I watched him as he moved closer to our car. No, somebody should please tell him not to board in our car, I might stop breathing before we get to his house.

Suddenly the latest and hottest Limousin pulled up in front of our car. One of the security rushed to be and whispered something into his ears.

whatever the security said to him, I knows that it saves me. He turned back and walked to where the Limousin car was parked.

He stopped in front of the car and another security opened the door wide for him and Nolan.

Both of them adjusted their shades before they hopped in.

That was close!

The car started driving away from the airport. Immediately the car left, the crowds became too much for the securities to handle.

immediately his car left, our car also trailed after the Limousin car.

Going to Mr Popular’s estate!.


I got down from the car and a wow escaped my house, I’m standing in front of white paradise. The house was tall and wide.

Different kinds of cars were parked almost around the car, it just like the cars was for sales.

Also, read  Three Months Stay With Mr. Popular. Episode 34

The house was Five storey building, the upper storey was all covered with glasses, the same went for the fourth storey.

The first, second and third storey was beyond my description, I can’t even find the correct that I can use to describe it.

It looks so dazzling, the glasses that covered the third storey was made out gold, I mean pure Gold.

The front was so spacious and wide. I was still admiring the house when Mrs Lia tapped me back to reality.

“Riele…” she called my name. It was when she called my name that I realized that kayden and Nolan has already entered the house.

“Are you ready? ” she asked me and I nodded my head

Did I’ve any other options.

“Riele, before we go in, don’t forget the rules I gave to you. ” she warned me before she held my hand and we started walking inside the house together.

Oh my heaven!

The inside was even wider and spacious than the outside. it was just like am in heaven.

I wanted to admire the beauty if the room when a maid tapped me.

“Riele follow her, she will take you to your room. ” Mrs Lia said to me.

“OK ma…..” I replied her before I followed the maid.

We took the elevator because, of how huge the house was. I don’t think stair can even be a good idea, the architect of this house was a genius.

I followed the maid silently when the elevator stopped at the floor she wanted to take me to.

.we kept on walking until we got to the middle of the passage.

Men! That was a long walk, how can a passage be long as this.

“Here is your room ma ” she said to me.

“Thank you. ” I muttered, she left the door opened before she left.

I watched her fading shadow before I entered the room. Oh my God! This can’t a room for only me.

The room was fabulous, wide, beautiful and colourful. The walls were painted with pink colour; my favorite colour.

The bed, the dressing mirror and oh my world! A wardrobe wasn’t fixed in the room. I walked in fully, I sighted a door and I opened it.

Jeez! It was a room that was filled with clothes. Different section for different clothes. Dinner party dresses were hung on a long different hanger, casual wears, party wears, bum shorts, tops, crop tops almost all the dresses a lady will ever needs in her world was hung in the room.

The room wasn’t filled with only clothes , a tall rack of shoes was also placed at the corner of the room.

Men! Almost all the shoes were arranged on the rack.

No wonder Mrs Lia told me not to bring my clothes, everything I need is here.

I came out of the word ,I walked closer to the long window glass, well, I think am on the floor that was covered with glasses.

I looked down and I saw a large swimming pool and….

Oh my! It was kayden, he was looking up.


Hmm, why did you think kayden was looking up?

1.3k likes and 110 comments to unlock the next episode

I don’t even think Kara can be posted tonite. My battery is low already.

I managed 10 percent to typed this episode. Readers of Kara, bear with me but don’t worry, I’ll go and charge it tomorrow and am gonna compensate y’all with two episodes.

Also, read  Three Month Stay With Mr. Popular. Episode 3

Please just cope with the delays in the story, my phone battery isn’t good.

See y’all tomorrow.

Authoress Min Loves y’all ????????????

????Three Month Stay
With Mr Popular ????
{He is Hot }…

Episode 10

By : Blessing Arubuola

Riele’s Pov

I waited patiently for kayden in the car. Many questions were floating in my mind . Questions like; what will be his reaction when he learnt that a stranger will starts living with him for three months?

How will my life be like in those three Months? Can I really cope? Can I make him falls in love with me?.
Simple thoughts can’t even flows in my head, it was filled with questions and worries.

“Riele… ” Mrs Lia suddenly called me and she placed her hand on mine, her touch even made me shiver.

“MA.. ” I stuttered with a wearily voice.

“You’re nervous right? ” she asked me and I gulped down nothing before I nodded my head in a positive answer to her question.

“You don’t have to scared of anything OK!…”

“My sister? ” I chipped in

“Don’t worry, she will be fine for the three months. I’ll make life comfortable for her during the three months , all you just have to do is to focus on the task given to you OK! ” She said to me with assurance.

“OK. ” I nodded my head.

I glared away from her and my gaze fell on the window. My life will surely take a new turn within the three Months.

I’m not even allowed to see Amber during the three months. This is just like a dangerous mission.

How can I tame kayden’s heart within the three months. I was still in my thoughts when I saw two handsome guys walking towards our car with bodyguards behind them.

I don’t think they’re ordinary guys, people were trooping after them, they was screams everywhere, just as if a concert was held here.

I raised up my head and saw some people with banners, some words were boldly written on it .


“NOLAN, YOU ARE THE BEST ????????!!”

Those were the words inscribed on the banners. Wait a min! Those guys…

Oh my God!

He’s here! I used my hand to covered my mouth when I noticed that he was the one.

“He’s here. ” Mrs Lia whispered to me.

Yes, I know that he’s here. Suddenly sweat balls started streaming me down my face. I’m sweating even with AC working.

I watched him as he moved closer to our car. No, somebody should please tell him not to board in our car, I might stop breathing before we get to his house.

Suddenly the latest and hottest Limousin pulled up in front of our car. One of the security rushed to be and whispered something into his ears.

whatever the security said to him, I knows that it saves me. He turned back and walked to where the Limousin car was parked.

He stopped in front of the car and another security opened the door wide for him and Nolan.

Both of them adjusted their shades before they hopped in.

That was close!

The car started driving away from the airport. Immediately the car left, the crowds became too much for the securities to handle.

Also, read  Three Month Stay With Mr Popular. Episode 13

immediately his car left, our car also trailed after the Limousin car.

Going to Mr Popular’s estate!.


I got down from the car and a wow escaped my house, I’m standing in front of white paradise. The house was tall and wide.

Different kinds of cars were parked almost around the car, it just like the cars was for sales.

The house was Five storey building, the upper storey was all covered with glasses, the same went for the fourth storey.

The first, second and third storey was beyond my description, I can’t even find the correct that I can use to describe it.

It looks so dazzling, the glasses that covered the third storey was made out gold, I mean pure Gold.

The front was so spacious and wide. I was still admiring the house when Mrs Lia tapped me back to reality.

“Riele…” she called my name. It was when she called my name that I realized that kayden and Nolan has already entered the house.

“Are you ready? ” she asked me and I nodded my head

Did I’ve any other options.

“Riele, before we go in, don’t forget the rules I gave to you. ” she warned me before she held my hand and we started walking inside the house together.

Oh my heaven!

The inside was even wider and spacious than the outside. it was just like am in heaven.

I wanted to admire the beauty if the room when a maid tapped me.

“Riele follow her, she will take you to your room. ” Mrs Lia said to me.

“OK ma…..” I replied her before I followed the maid.

We took the elevator because, of how huge the house was. I don’t think stair can even be a good idea, the architect of this house was a genius.

I followed the maid silently when the elevator stopped at the floor she wanted to take me to.

.we kept on walking until we got to the middle of the passage.

Men! That was a long walk, how can a passage be long as this.

“Here is your room ma ” she said to me.

“Thank you. ” I muttered, she left the door opened before she left.

I watched her fading shadow before I entered the room. Oh my God! This can’t a room for only me.

The room was fabulous, wide, beautiful and colourful. The walls were painted with pink colour; my favorite colour.

The bed, the dressing mirror and oh my world! A wardrobe wasn’t fixed in the room. I walked in fully, I sighted a door and I opened it.

Jeez! It was a room that was filled with clothes. Different section for different clothes. Dinner party dresses were hung on a long different hanger, casual wears, party wears, bum shorts, tops, crop tops almost all the dresses a lady will ever needs in her world was hung in the room.

The room wasn’t filled with only clothes , a tall rack of shoes was also placed at the corner of the room.

Men! Almost all the shoes were arranged on the rack.

No wonder Mrs Lia told me not to bring my clothes, everything I need is here.

I came out of the word ,I walked closer to the long window glass, well, I think am on the floor that was covered with glasses.

I looked down and I saw a large swimming pool and….

Oh my! It was kayden, he was looking up.