October 19, 2024

Korean Novels

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Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 21

5 min read

????????LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA????????
????(A tale of two worlds)????
•~A Korean Love story….

????Episode Twenty-One????

Shin Woo’s POV????

‘Uhhh you’re a..awake?!!’..I quickly said in an uncertain tone and…

‘You didn’t answer my question Shin woo,did you just say you love me??’..she asked and I gulped hard…

‘Just tell her the truth man’..Kim whispered and walked away…

‘Ok maybe I didn’t hear well’..she sighed and wanted to stand up and I stopped her..

No more lying…

‘Ok fine Min Ah,I think I’m in love with you,no not that I’m in love with you, No I love you!!’..I quickly said and her face widened into the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen..

‘Was that so hard to say?’..she said and I smiled and covered my lips with hers…

We kissed for a long time and held onto each other like we were scared to loose each other and suddenly tears flowed from my eyes….

‘Wh..why are you crying,did I do something wrong?’..she asked as she cleaned my tears with her hands…

‘I almost died in pain thinking I lost you’..I said and bent to kiss her hands and she smiled….

‘I’m a mermaid remember?’…

I laughed and cuddled her like she was a teddy and stroked her hair until she fell asleep…

‘When you recover we’ll go back home and everything will come back to normal’..I whispered and kissed her forehead….


I think my heart is fluttering now that I’ve told her how I really feel and I swear with my life that nothing is going to happen to her…..

Unknown POV????

‘i couldn’t find her body your highness’..my servant said and I flinched in anger…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 39

‘What do you mean by that?!!,but you killed her right?!!’..

‘Yes your highness,I stabbed her with your royal sword as you told me to and then I swam down when my sea wrap sunk and when I swam back up to the surface she was gone’…he said and I slapped him…

‘i just gave you one job to do as your king and you failed me, Guards seize him!!!’..I screamed and they took him to the dungeon…

This is not the end princess Min Ah….

I won’t rest until you’re dead…

Min Ah’s POV????

Two Days Later????
At the BOTS mansion????…

‘Shin you’re not being fair!!’..I cried as he took the ice cream from my hands…

‘Remember what the doctor said,no cold and too sweet foods’..he said and scooprf a portion into his mouth….

‘Hmmm,yummy’..he said as he licked his lips and I frowned..

‘I hate you!!!’..

‘i love you!!!’..he replied..

‘you’re evil’..

‘And you’re sweet’..he replied again and I blushed, sitting back on the chair…

For two days now Shin woo had been acting like a gentleman and taking care of me..

Who knew that underneath all his cold and rude attitude he’s really a sweet person…

‘Come let me take you upstairs’..he said and before I could object he carried me in his arms and I laughed burying my face on his chest…

We were almost halfway up when Luna spotted us and she bursted into anger…

‘Wh..what is going on here and why are you carrying her like she’s your girlfriend?!!’..she screamed and Shin woo dropped me…

‘it’s none of your business Luna’..he said..

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue. Episode 3

‘Gbo?!!..it’s my business seeing this little wench with my ex boyfriend!!’…She fired back and before I could attack her Shin stopped me….

‘Min go to your room’..


‘Min Ah go!!’..he screamed and I frowned and entered my room…

Who does he think he is??..

Making me look inferior like I can’t take care of myself or what??…

He’s such a,what do the humans call it??…he’s such a dickhead….

Luna Lang’s POV????

‘You can’t date her Shin!!.. over my dead body!!’..I screamed in anger and he tapped his foot angrily…

‘Tell me why Luna?,because of you,you and I know that our journey ended a long time ago and I’m moving on with a better person!!’…

‘But she’s not your class’…

‘Yeah and so??,get out of my room Luna and let this matter end here and now!!’..he said and I stormed out…

This is a bad situation for me…

I wanted them all to break apart and now their bond is getting stronger….

Omma has to hear about this….

????:Hey my little star shine…

????:Mom there’s a problem…


????:Shin woo and that wench are both dating…

????:Aigoo,how’s that possible,I thought he only goes for classy ladies…

????:that’s not the problem Omma,Otukeyo?!!!..

????:Don’t worry baby,mommy has this under control, just play along okay???..

????:Okay,love you….

Shin Woo’s POV????

‘Hey Min Ah,open the door’..I called out as I knocked on her door…

‘Go away’..

‘Why?’..I asked in confusion and I heard her scoff…

‘Well since you didn’t want me to be a part of you and Luna’s conversation don’t talk to me’..she said and I laughed…

‘Please Min Ah open the door’..I begged and she kept silent…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 12


‘Who’s your baby?,don’t you ever call me baby?!’..she screamed and I held back my laughter…

‘Ok grandma’..

‘Ughhh,Get out!!’..She screamed and my eyes twinkled in admiration…

I’m such a fool for not loving this psycho from the start..

How do I make her come out??…

Oh I have an idea…

‘Min Ah I’m leaving?’..I said and she didn’t reply..

I deliberately kicked the wall and fell on the floor and screamed in pretense…

‘Uh.ahhhhhh!!!!..it hurts!!’…

She came out and crouched down in tears…

‘Are you okay??,Oh Shin I’m so sorry for this,does it hurt??’..she cried and I smirked…

‘Yes it hurts a lot and it’s all your fault, owwww’..I said and she cleaned her tears…

‘What should I do Shin,I’m sorry’..she said and I smiled…

‘Kiss me’…


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