October 19, 2024

Korean Novels

Home Of Korean Novels

Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 32

4 min read

????????LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA????????
????(A tale of two worlds)????
•~A Korean Love story….

????Episode Thirty-Two????

Mrs Woo’s POV????

‘So that was your plan all along right?!!, to marry my son and take over my properties??!!’…I asked in shock and they stood frozen….

‘Uhhh Mrs Woo it’s not what you think’..Luna said…

‘it’s not what I think?!!,this is preposterous!!!’..I screamed and walked away from the scene in tears…

Shin is right..

I am really a bad mother…

I can’t believe I did all that to the both of them all because I was blinded by greed and my cohorts just wanted my money…

Oh What am I going to do now??..

I lost my own son because of my selfishness and now I’m stranded on what to do next…

Unknown POV????

‘How do you make use of these things called legs?!!’..I asked my special adviser and he laughed…

‘Your highness,I think you put one leg in front of the other and we should get new clothes cause the humans seem to be looking at us’…

I turned and saw three women looking at me strangely and I frowned…

‘What are you looking at?!!’..I screamed and they all scurried away…

I’m on land for one mission…

To kill Princess Min and retrieve her mother’s crown and also to kill the unknown mermaids….

Shin Woo’s POV????

‘Hey watch it will you?,your hand is too rough’..I said as she cut out little strands of hair…

‘why are you so grumpy all of a sudden I didn’t do anything wrong did I?’..she replied and I frowned…

‘Then stop cutting my hair and leave me alone!!!’..I said In a distressed tone and she flinched…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Prologue and Episode 1

‘Ok fine then!!,you have problems and you don’t want to share them with me as your girlfriend!!’..She screamed and threw the scissors out my window…

Where did the sudden burst of anger come from??..

‘Please Min I’m not in a good mood,leave my room’..I said coldly…

‘Fine I’ll go,once you’re done brooding console yourself and don’t ever talk to me!!!’..she fired back in tears and walked away….

I sighed and covered my head with a pillow…

‘Briiing!!Bring!!!’..my phone rang and when I saw that it was Omma calling I sighed and disconnected the call….

I don’t care about her anymore or do I??..

For crying out loud she’s my mother and I still love her but what she did is so unforgivable…

I am one confused fellow….

Min Ah’s POV????

Cold bastard!!…

Thinking he can just send me out of his room just because he’s in a bad mood..

Ughh he can be so difficult at times…

‘Princess Min Ah’..I heard a faint voice call and when I looked at my mother’s crown it was blinking…

Well what bad news does Mako have this time??…

I touched the crown and when I opened my eyes I was underwater again…

‘Yes Mako?’..I said and he turned around looking injured…

‘Mako are you alright?!!’..I said as I rushed to help him..

‘I’ll be okay my dear princess but the time has come for you to fulfill your destiny,King Cheng is on the loose and he’s in your world now,you have to stop him!!’..he said and coughed loudly…

‘b..bu..but I’m not ready yet??’..I exclaimed and he smiled…

‘Don’t worry Min Ah,I Mako will be with you’..he said and then something unimaginable happened….

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 33

A bright light shone and when I opened my eyes Mako was gone and a necklace was on my neck…

Is he dead??…

An Hour Later????

I cleaned my mouth as I finished vomiting in the toilet..

I’m so weak and tired, well maybe it’s something I ate that made me sick…

‘Min are you okay?’..Kim asked from behind me and I nodded…

‘Yeah I am,I think it’s something I ate’..

‘Are you sure cause you’re burning and you look pale’..he asked and I frowned…

‘i said I’m okay Kim’..

‘Ok fine well it’s time for dinner so you better come down’..

‘go I’ll come down later’..I replied and he left…

I think I need to use the bathroom again…

Shin Woo’s POV????

‘Good evening guys’…I said as I sat down the dining table and they both nodded looking at me awkwardly…

‘What’s going on?,why that look?’..I asked as I stuffed a part of Rameyon in my mouth…

‘Did you hurt her?’..Kim asked and folded his arms…

‘Since when has my love life been a concern to you both?!’..

‘She’s sick Shin and you don’t care?’.Baek said and I stood up..

‘She’s sick?”..

‘I’m not sick’..I heard and when I turned it was Min Ah..

She looked so pale and weak and before she could say anything I walked up to her in anger…

‘You’re sick and you didn’t see it fit to tell me,What has come over you?!!’..I asked and she rolled her eyes…

‘i should be asking you that or have you forgotten how you pushed me away earlier today!!’…

‘Look Min just because we had a little misunderstanding doesn’t mean you should act childish’…I fired back and she scoffed….

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 31

‘I’m going back to my room!!’…

‘No Min you’re going to stay here and eat until you’re full!!’..I screamed and held her back….

‘Who do you thi…’..

She couldn’t finish the sentence and she FAINTED!!!…

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