October 19, 2024

Korean Novels

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Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 36

5 min read

????????LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA????????
????(A tale of two worlds)????
•~A Korean Love story…

????Episode Thirty-Six????

Min Ah’s POV????

‘Min Ah!!!’..he screamed in anger and I pouted my lips looking innocent..

‘i..I’m so sorry Shin it just came out like that’..I replied and he grumbled..

‘i can clean it up if you want’..I added trying to make him feel better but he glared at me..

‘Never mind I’ll clean up myself, just go to your room and when I’m done I’ll come meet you there, I can’t sleep here’..he said and I tied my robe and left for my room…

It’s not my fault that I puked all over his body..

After all he was the one who got me pregnant in the first place??.

Five Minutes Later????
I was sleeping when another trance came to me,I thought Mako would appear but instead it was my mother..

She was standing there holding a little baby in a blanket but something else was wrong about it…

There was blood dripping from the blanket…

I opened my eyes immediately and the whole vision was gone…

‘Are you okay babe?’..Shin Woo asked from beside me and I shivered vigorously…

‘You had another trance right?’..he asked and I nodded..

He sighed and laid me back on the bed and snuggled close to me that I felt his warm body..

I felt so comfortable sleeping in his arms and he kissed my forehead and started singing my favorite song…

The blue sea song but he created his own version and slowly I closed my eyes…

Luna Lang’s POV????

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 28


Omma’s plan didn’t work..

The idiot didn’t even look at me for one minute talk less of even touching me.

is he so in love with that wench that he can’t look at another woman??..

Well there’s Plan B..

I’m going to kill that unborn baby and no one is going to stop me….

Unknown POV????

‘King Cheng we’ve carried out our investigation and the third mermaid turned out to be Queen Shin Ah’s first daughter’.my gaurd said and I stood up from the sofa…

‘b..but that’s not possible,I thought she died in the forbidden realm?!!’..I asked and he bowed again…

‘M..Ma..Mako helped her your highness, he’s been helping both princesses for a long time’..he said and I summoned my magical trident near me…

‘Forget Princess Min Ah and her sister for now,we’re going back to the Sea’…I said and heard mumbling..

‘W..why your highness?’..

‘We’re going to launch a full attack on the humans!!!’..

Shin Woo’s POV????

‘Good morning Min’…I murmured and tried touching her but instead my hands touched a pillow…

I opened my eyes and found out that she wasn’t even in bed with me..

Where could she have gone this morning?!…

Five Minutes Later????
‘Baby?!!!,Min Ah?!’..I called out as I climbed down the stairs and when I reached the dining table I got the shock of my life…

‘Min what is the meaning of this?!!’…I screamed…

There was Dim sum,2 plates of Rameyon and four whole chicken and she was eating all by herself…

‘What I’m hungry?!!’..she mumbled over a piece of chicken…

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 14

‘You’re something else aren’t you?,the doctor said you should eat healthy and take lots of vegetables and you’re eating this?!!’..I screamed and she bursted into hot tears..


‘Ok I’m sorry for shouting at you it’s just that you’re acting too stubborn Lately’…I said trying to reason with her and she smiled…

‘That’s why I love you’..she said and blew a kiss for me which I caught with my hands…

‘Pathetic loosers’..I heard and when I turned it was Luna wearing only a bra and some shorts…

What is she trying to do?..

Seduce me?!!..

When I have the most prettiest and even though messy girl next to me why would I look at any other girl…

Especially a cheap one like her..

Luna Lang’s POV????

Look at the both of them..

Acting like they’re soulmates,she is even enjoying whats rightfully mine…

Well I won’t bother anymore since I’m going to kill her precious little gift…

I walked into the kitchen and brought out a glass and poured a large quantity of Orange juice inside it…

I put in a tablet of the Abortion pills Omma gave to me and Min’s sister entered..

‘Wh..drink..what are you doing?’..she asked and I frowned..

‘Are you stupid or what? move away I’ve got work to do’..I replied as I took the drink and quickly turned the pill dissolve well…

Today is gonna be a great day when I finally hear Min cry..

Min Ah’s POV????

‘You know you’re a case right?’..Shin said as he handed me the plate of roasted shrimps..

I feel so bad for him cause I’ve been pestering him all day..

Also, read  Legend Of The Blue Sea. Episode 13

Min Nana has been in Kim’s room and I’m wondering what’s going on in there…

‘Mmmmm yummy’..I said as I took a juicy bite out of a shrimp and chewed it with ease…

‘Can I get a glass of juice with this please?’..I begged Shin and before he could object Luna came in with a glass of juice…

‘Did I hear someone say glass of juice, you can have this’..she said and smirked when she saw the shocked expression on my face.

‘Look Min Ah I know we’re not the best of friends but the least you can do is just drink this!’. she said and grinned…

Well there’s nothing to loose..

I took the glass from her and brought it to my lips to drink and all of sudden Min Nana ran in…

‘Min stop!!!,don’t drink it!!’..she screamed and pushed the glass away from my hands…

‘What is the problem Nana?! what was that for?!!’..Shin screamed and she panted heavily and pointed at Luna…

‘She put some thing in the drink!!!’…


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