October 19, 2024

Korean Novels

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Hospital Romance. Episode 21

6 min read

???????? HOSPITAL ROMANCE????????
????{cold and crazy meets again}????

Episode 21

Nala’s POV.

I stared at Damien who was shocked.
He glanced at me briefly.

“How come you are pregnant , I thought you used pills”he said angrily and I scoffed.
“Yes! , I forgot maybe , I had the reports yesterday and it turns out it’s yours”I said angrily.

He smiled at me.
What’s with him?
“Get rid of it , I don’t want no kids”he said and I opened my eyes in shock.

“What are you saying?”I asked baffled.
“I don’t want kids”he said obviously pissed.

“My plans will be ruined you d*ck”I said angrily and he frowned.
“This was not part of the plan”he yelled and I flinched.

Okay! , He is getting on my nerves!
“Noah knows about this”I said angrily.
“What?”he said in bewilderment.

“I told him it’s his , until I found out yesterday that it’s yours”I said and he felt relieved.
“You made it easier for us”he said smirking.

“Like how?”I asked.
I sat down on the couch feeling dizzy.
I closed my eyes and reopened them.

“Let’s finish with the kid first”he said and I nodded.
“I already exchanged the drugs”I smirked and he smiled.
Can’t wait to see Anna’s kid dead.
It’s going to be fun!

???? Hailey’s POV.

We were currently in Nala’s parents house.
We were having lunch..
Of course very soon we will become a family.

“So how is Noah?”Juliana , Nala’s mother asked.
“He is good I think”I said smiling.
“Don’t you think Noah should marry Nala before she gives birth”Fred said.

“Nala said she wants to give birth first”I said and they all nodded.
My mind drifted of to the small boy who came into the room yesterday.

“Hailey”someone snapped at me.
I turned to see three pair of eyes staring keenly at me.
“You zoned out” Roberts ,Nala’s father said.
I smiled nervously and continued eating.
“I am sorry”I said.

“What were you thinking about?”Fred asked and I shook my head.
“Nothing”I said.

Also, read  Hospital Romance. Episode 20

“So none of you knew Noah had a child with her ex girlfriend?”Juliana asked.
“No , were also suprised the day he told us”Fred said and I nodded.

“That whore just came with a child claiming it’s Noah’s”I said angrily.
“But the child clearly looks like Noah”Roberts said and I gulped.

Dang it!
Nala’s parents are Soo stupid.

???? Anna’s POV.

I was packing our bags in the dressing room when Carla entered.
“You okay?”she asked and I nodded.

“Am fine! , Just a little headache”I lied.
I was thinking about how I fell in love with a beast like Noah.
Gave him my dignity and he called me a whore.

I sighed and took our bags , our shift is over.
“Let’s go , we have to go pick Diego up”Carla said and I nodded.
We met Chris , Theresa and Blake in the hallway when leaving.

“You guys are going home?”Chris asked and I nodded.
“I was dying to ask , how did you guys know each other?”Theresa asked Chris.

“Well , she came to give birth in the hospital I once worked in”Chris simply said and she nodded.
“Okay see you guys tomorrow , and make Diego take his drugs”Theresa said and left.

“Carla can I see you in private?”Blake asked and I nurged her.
She shrugged and left with him.
“So his blood disease is still disturbing him?”Chris asked immediately Carla and Blake left.

“Yes!, but the drugs are helping a bit”I said and he nodded.
“I will come see him later”he said and smiled.
“Let me give you our address”I said and handed him a sheet.

“Woah! , You wrote it already?”he asked and I smiled.
“I knew you would not ask”I said and he chuckled.
We were still talking when Nala came in.

It looks like she is gaining weight.
I shrugged it off when she approached us.

“Hi there doctor Chris , hi Anna”Nala said and I smiled.
“Oh hi!”Chris said.
“Nala you look pale , what happened?”I asked curiously.

“Just pregnancy symptoms”she shrugged and my eyes widened.
“Pregnancy?”I asked and she chuckled.

Also, read  Hospital Romance. Episode 25

“You are a nurse Anna , don’t tell me you don’t understand”she said smiling.
Nala is pregnant!
“Congrats Nala”Chris told her.
She nodded smiling.

“You are pregnant , wow! , I didn’t know you had someone”I muttered and she nodded.
But wait….
Why is she getting married to Noah?
Could Noah be……no!

“You are getting married to Noah right?”I asked and she nodded.
“And am pregnant for him”she said and I was shocked.
Chris also looked shocked.
Noah got Nala pregnant.

I nodded and smiled a little.
“Chris I will get going , bye Nala”I said and left.

I couldn’t take it.
How could he?
How come!

The tears were threatening to fall but I blinked them back.
Why cry?

Carla came up to meet me outside and we boarded a cab home.

????????????????FEW MINUTES LATER ????????????????

The cab pulled up infront of our apartment and we got down after paying the man.

When Carla and I approached the house I saw two familiar figures standing in front of the door.

It was Noah and Diego.
He picked him up from school.

I sighed and we went there.
“Momma”Diego said and hugged me.
“Baby”I said and kissed his cheeks.

“Daddy came for me”he said and I nodded.
“Diego let’s go inside , daddy has to go rest”I said and he nodded.
“Good bye daddy”he said and Noah kissed his hair.

“Good bye Diego”he said , we made way to enter and Noah grabbed my elbow.
Carla looked at me and nodded.

“Diego let’s go momma will be back”Carla said and they entered after opening the door.

When Carla shut the door I removed my hands from his grip.

???? Noah’s POV.

She removed her hands from my grip angrily and I sighed.
I knew she would be angry.
“Anna am sorry”I said calmly.
“I understand”she said and smiled a little.

“Look I mean it , I am sorry okay! , I let my anger get the best of me! , I was jealous and the day we made love in the hospital , It was the best day I had ever had”I said and she scoffed angrily.

Also, read  Hospital Romance. Episode 9

“Noah you called me a whore!”Anna said and I nodded.
“I know! , I was jealous am sorry”I said.
“There is nothing going on between us , why will you be jealous?”she asked.

Doesn’t she know?
I still want her!

“Because I still love you , I still want you and you are the mother of my first child”I yelled and she looked at me agape.

“Noah what are you saying?”she asked with with wide eyes.
“I said I still love you Anna , I never stopped and I never will”I said and she shook her head.

“You want to lure me , you don’t love me?”she said and wiping her tears.
“No Ann I still love you”I said and hugged her.
I wrapped my hands around her securely.

How I missed this.
I buried my face into her thick black hair inhaling her strawberry scents.

She disengaged from the hug and smiled a little.
“I st…still love you Noah”she said , I kissed her and she responded quickly .

We broke from the kiss and placed our foreheads together.
“What about Nala?”she muttered and I clenched my jaw.

“Forget about her”I said and placed her head on my chest.
“You are going to marry her right?”she asked and I smiled.
“Shhhh…. , keep quite forget about everything and listen to how my heart beats for you”I said and she nodded with her head still on my chest.

We separated after a while and she looked at me.
“Nala is pregnant”she said grumpily.
“Tell me it isn’t yours please”she said again and I sighed.

“It was a mistake Anna”I said and she rolled her eyes angrily.
“She is carrying your child”she said again and I nodded.

“But that can stop me from loving you , can it?”I asked and she scoffed.
“Who is Chris to you?”I asked, I couldn’t hold it any longer.
I was jealous!

“My friend”she said.
“Wow! , What a reunion”we turned to see Damien smirking….
“Damien?”Anna wishpered……


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