October 21, 2024

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I hate to Love Him. Episode 11

5 min read

Hate To Love Him

episode 11

Lola’s POV

I sat down on the stairs outside and sola kept staring at me.

“stop staring” I shouted.

” why are you taking this out on me…. Am not Rita” he replied.

I let out a loud groan. “ugghh she barely knew that guy…they just danced and there she is …. In the room… Screaming … Gosh! I don’t even want to remember that…” I shrieked.

“like I said you don’t know much about your friend” he said and shrugged.

“I guess you are right” I sighed.

” You still have a lot to learn about her” he said . I stood up and we both went back in.

Few minutes later Rita came out with a red cup, dancing and shouting.

“hey, why are you frowning” she said in a high-pitched voice which irritated me more.

“let’s go home” . I dragged her away…… Without saying good bye to sola.


I opened my eyes and checked the time it was 9:30am, as usual I saw Rita walking around n@ked, just then Noah popped his head in, he drew back immediately and started apologising.

“its alright” Rita replied and went into the bathroom. I went outside to meet Noah, he was leaning against the wall. ” Am sorry”

“no problem the door wasn’t locked anyway” I replied him. we walked back into the room this time Rita was already dressed. She stared at Noah and he apologised again.

” its no big… deal” she said slowly. She smirked at him and picked her phone. just then she got a call and answered it.

“uhn-uhn… I’ll be there…don’t worry, I’ll come”. She said and cut the phone.

Also, read  I hate to Love Him. Episode 17

“turns out I’ll be travelling” she looked at me.

“where are you going?”

“Lagos” she replied.

“lagos?…..do you even have a family there?”.

She ignored me and hissed. She was pretty annoyed. I know i had no right to ask questions, I was just concerned about her.

She packed her clothes in her bag and left without saying a word.

All this time Noah kept pressing his phone.He looked up and smiled. “I have to go” he stood up and walked to the door.

” You just got here” I said unhappyily. He closed the gap between us and kissed me on the lips. He drew back and left.


Later in the evening………..

“i’ve got a gist for you” Rose entered and puts her bag down.

” Am all ears” I replied. Eager to hear what she had to say.

“I heard something about Rita” she said .

“is that why you are so happy?” I became less intrigued “spill”.

“she’s a prostitute” she said.

“Rose!” I shrieked “look I get you don’t like her… but stop making up stories”.

” Am not lying…. it’s the truth, you know shade now. that tall girl in the department, we were together when we saw Rita on the bike and she told me so many disgusting things she’s into-”

“enough!” I shouted “I don’t care about any craps you say…. stop being jealous….and used to I a d Rita being friends”. She looked sober.

“sorry….I just wanted you to know who she really is” she replied.

I hissed and ignored her.

lola’s POV

After about one eek, Rita returned. She apologised for been so rude the last time we saw, she even got me somethings and I totally forgave her .

Also, read  I Hate To Love Him. Episode 1

I was just so delighted she was back.

She got things for Rose too, but she rejected it. I was mad at her, but she said she didn’t want anything from a prostitute.

Even though those things I heard about her bothered me, I just kept it to myself, i didnt want to annoy her further. I pretended like I didn’t hear a thing. I heard a knock on the door.

I opened the door and Noah walked in.

“lola”. he smiled at me and I returned it. “how are you…Danladi nko…it’s been long I saw him sef” I asked.

“he’s good… Rose how far?” He smiled at Rose. Rita was excited when she saw Noah, she even offered to cook for everyone.


we finished our food , Rita, Noah and I kept gusting and Rose interrupted us.

“did you rad the news about some girls that are missing….I think they are prostitutes sef” Rose looked up from the phone she was pressing. She looked at Rita, I know my friend well enough,she was only trying to make Rita feel uncomfortable.

it was just too obvious there was no news of any girl missing.

I played along “I hope they find the.”

“I wonder why anyone would risk their life because of money….the annoying things is they mostly don’t use the money for anything reasonable”.

Rita looked up,this time she spoke ” Holy Mary! you shouldn’t blame them….some of them have poor parents”

“please! …. there girls with poor parents too, who don’t go about sharing their body for money, we shouldn’t always put the blame on parents too” Rose replied.

Also, read  I hate to love him. Episode 4

I could sense the tension building g up. Rose just wanted to piss Rita off.

” there are parents who don’t cater for their children…..all am saying is you don’t just blame this girls, you don’t know their stories” she said.

I tried to change the topic but Rose cut me off.

“nobody is blaming anyone …or am I?” She looked at me and I just kept quiet.

“coward” Rose muttered.

” we don’t have a prostitute amongst us… so am not blaming anyone” she furrowed her brows.

“Uhm ….I need to go, I’ll see you guys around”. Noah stood up and I followed him.

“what’s with those two?” Noah asked .

I sighed “they hate each other”.

“its not about hatred…..I think Rose is trying to pass a message”. Noah replied.

“look Rose belives she’s a prostitute, she heard somethings about her”. I said and looked away.

” and you don’t believe Rose?”. he stared.

“I don’t know what to believe” I answered him

“just be careful …” he sighed. we walked faster to his place and slept over.


“it’s not fair” I argued with Rose on our way back home. ” You didn’t have to say those things”.

I looked at Rose, she looked so unbothered. She rolled her eyes and glanced through her phone.

She finally looked up when she realised I was staring.

“I wish you’d see her the way i do…. She disgusts me” she snickered.


“she’s a s–t ….. don’t you just get it” Rose said, a bit louder than usual.

Her face softened afterwards I just hope she doesn’t turn you”

“what is she?….. a witch?” I scoffed and increased my footsteps leaving her behind.

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