July 26, 2024

Korean Novels

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My Bethroded. Episode 11

5 min read

???? My Betrothed ????
(She’s feisty ????, he’s rude ????)

Episode 11
By Simrah Saeed

???? Alexa ????

I breathed out seeing him out. Zach is really becoming a problem to me, he’s becoming a thorn in my flesh.

Who the hell let him in this early in the morning to my room and why is he here?

” Aren’t you coming out Alexa? At least you should prepare breakfast for Zach ” mum yelled from out side and I face palmed myself.

Prepare breakfast for Zach! I chuckled at that sentence.

I can’t do that,not for Zach.
I entered into to bathroom and purposely stayed there for more than an hour.

He have a company to run right? Why can’t he just leave already? His presence irritates me so much.

I put on my casual wear brushed my hair and left for downstairs to face the devil again.

I need to put on my best acting skill right now.

First I don’t want to leave the house today, not even to the office and secondly, I can’t cook any damn meal for Zach. There are maids to do that

” what’s wrong hunny?” Mum asked immediately she saw me approaching. Mother’s instinct

I held my head feigning an ache.

” Uhhm I am not feeling well mum ” I said.

Zach glanced at me and scoffed. Idiot! I don’t know why my parents like him.

” Did we need to call the doctor? Where’s Jeff?” Dad asked and I shook my head abruptly

” You don’t have to worry Dad, I took some aspirin already ” I said taking a sit….

” Siss” Emma mocked and I glared at her to keep shut which she did grinning widely. She knows when I am lying.

” What should I prepare for ZACH mum?” I asked elongating his name while he chuckled.

I am sure it was Emma that directed him to my room.

Also, read  My Bethroded. Episode 7

” You don’t have to worry about that, the maids will take care of it and work is cancelled for today”

Just perfect! Mum and Dad can be easily brain washed. I seriously need to start featuring in movies because I can act up well.

” Not again mum” Jeff groaned

” Can’t you see that your sister is sick? ” Dad asked

” she’s not…”

” Breakfast is ready”

Ah! Thank goodness! If not that Jeff is my brother I could have just hold his neck for a split second right now.


” Zach! Your father just called to inform me that he will be at the company today so you shouldn’t bother coming back. You are free to stay till whenever you please” Dad said…

Just kill me already! Wat the hell? Is this some kind of set up or what?

” And well, Jeff will be going to the office,my wife and I will be going for a charity event, Annabel is going to pay a visit to her parents and of course Emma will be going to school ”

” So it will be you both in the house, you can go out and spend the time together if you want and Zach ” he called and paused …

” Take care of Alexa, you know she’s ill ”
Holy Molly! Are they going to leave me all alone with Zach? In this big mansion? And you know the maids don’t have any say in our private lives.

” But Dad”

” We will be back before you know it Alexa and I am sure Zach will keep you company right?” He said and Zach nodded.

A devilish smirk displayed on his face and I was force throw my face away.

Also, read  My Bethroded. Episode 3

I have wished to stay at home but not with Zach.

This is really going to be tough m

” Yes Dad ” Zach replied smiling like he just won a lottery.

” Your engagement is fast approaching and we need to prepare for it even if it will be a small one, we are going for shopping tomorrow so be prepared”

” We?” Emma interrupted

” I mean we, excluding Alexa and Zach. They will have to go themselves ”

Okay! This is getting to it’s peak…

” You will tell me everything when I am back ” Emma whispered into my ears running off. Perverted mind….


???? Zach ????

I just couldn’t stop smiling, it’s like I was crowned the king of the universe right now.

Everyone has gone and I am left alone with Alexa.

She left to her room in frustration but that is the least of my problems right now.

I have vowed to frustrate her and that I shall do.

I knew she was going to put her door under lock and keys but I am wiser and smarter than she is.

All the rooms have one keys and there are all at the door. I locked the door opposite hers and removed the key…

I just hope it’s same with hers.
Jackpot! It opened immediately. This is so amazing.

” Are you a wizard? How the hell did you open the door?” She asked jerking up from the bed. God saved her she’s very cautious, I wanted pinning her down the bed and have my ways

” Chill Alexa, you are not being fair you know. Your Dad asked me to take care of you and so is the exact thing I came to do”

” With all my findings, I can say you need a psychological help ” she sighed sitting down on the bed and I sat down beside her

Also, read  My Bethroded. Episode 1

” Then be my psychologist ” I replied huskily… You see Alexa, I must win her to bed …..

” I never told you I read psychology in school ” she glared picking a book to read but I snatched it from her and dropped it beside me.

” Why did you do that? Give me back my book” she said …

” I am here to take care of you and give you some company Dad said Alexa ” I shifted closer to her just to make her uncomfortable and it did.

She shifted away…..

” Do not start Zach ” she warned sternly but I was adamant

” Start what? ” I replied moving closer to her.

I grabbed her waist and she landed on me. So weightless.

” Stop it Zach ” she tried getting away but I pushed her on the bed pinning her down….

” What did you think you are doing?” She asked and I grinned. It’s my time to rejoice..

” Let’s give each other the pleasure in the sex Alexa”

” What nonsense are you talking about? Let me go you idiot, you can’t have me. Let go off me Zach”

She hit my chest but I didn’t care as my hand caress her thigh…

How sweet she will taste down there.

I was about interlocking our lips when the worst happened…..

She kneed me where the sun doesn’t shine.

I groaned as I fell off her in deep pain… What the fuck!

” Do not mess with me Zach, I can be stubborn too” she said standing up as I watch her leave the room leaving me groaning and wincing in pain.
Fuck you Alexa!

This is what suit Zach.