One Night With A Billionaire. Episode 25
7 min read
{I thought he is a poor gardener not knowing that he is rich billionaire}????????????
{Billionaire in disguise}????????????
????kate pov????
I woke up the next day to find liam sleeping beside me
Its been so long since someone slept beside me,well except for liliana
I couldn’t help but to touch his sleeping face,he still looked handsome and manly
How much have missed him,its only been him,I never got involved with any other guy,have always been thinking about him,it has only been him and just having him here beside me made me feel like the most happiest woman on earth
“You have idea how much I love you” I whispered to his sleeping face
Just then his phone Rang and he stirred,I quickly close my eyes and continue to pretend that I was asleep
I felt him getting up and with a loud growl from him,he took the phone and answered it
“Hello” he said
I didn’t know who was at the end of the line but I knew that whoever it was has made liam distant from her
I felt him stand up from the bed.
“Yes!!!I will be back in new york today”
“That is none of your business”
“Enough already,I will be back there to see Miranda,so just get lost” he said and switched off the phone
Through everything I kept on pretending that I was asleep
I suddenly felt him beside me on the bed,kissing my shoulders
“Stop pretending already,I know your not sleeping” he said and reluctantly I opened my eyes
“Good morning” he said lightly
“Morning” I said having a sad look on my face
Yesterday had been great,its time to come back to reality and that reality is for liam to go back to his fiancee,while she stayed and take care of liliana
“You must have heard it all right?” He said
“Yes I did ,you have to return back to new York today,dont worry liliana and I will be fine,you can come see her when you are less busy I won’t stop you,you’ve got to return your fiancee is waiting for you” I said as I babbled
“I won’t leave until we have talked”
“No liam,what is there for us to talk about”
“There is no us,your engaged to be married and am am…….”
“Your what?”
“Am already seeing john,infact we will be going on ano ……..liam!!!!” I said suddenly as he held me tightly in his arms
“Listen to me Kate,I don’t want you near that guy” he said and I saw the possessive look on his face
“Liam let……”
“Am serious Kate,I dont want you close to that guy,you are mine” he said
“How can I be yours when your engaged to someone else,do you expect me to be your mistress while you marry that Sarah” I said now angry
“I would never do that to you Kate,I won’t ever make you my mistress” he said
“Then what would I be to you?you only come into my life and leave when it gets tough and I dont want that,I don’t want to go through the hurt again” I said crying
He held my face up to stare at him
“Look at me Kate, do you believe me when I say that I won’t ever make you my mistress” he said
“I dont know what to believe anymore”
“Believe in me Kate and believe me when I say this,I will make things right,I promise” he said holding me close
I really wanted to believe him but I just can’t,my heart is too fragile to be broken again
“You really dont trust me and I know that I deserve it but I promise you Kate I will set it right,I promise” he said and kissed me
As much as I wanted to push him off,i found myself pulling him close,just then liliana screams made us stop
We stopped abruptly and smiled at each other,I quickly dashed off to liliana room while he dressed
I was playing and chatting with liliana when I felt someone watching us
I turned and saw him there”you haven’t left yet”I said getting up with liliana in my arms who began to be jumpy just because she saw her father
Liam lifted her into his arms and she gave him a bright smile
“She is so beautiful,just like her mom” he said kissing liliana cheeks and she gave him a heart warming smile in return
“Am not beautiful and you know that” I said and he stared at me
“If I stayed to argue that point with you then I will be late for my flight” he said starring at me
“Then its best you leave,give liliana to me” I said
But instead of doing that he pulled me to him and kissed my lips,it took us forever before we let go of each other,liliana could only watch us wondering what we are doing
“I promise to be back my love” he said giving liliana back to me and with one last kiss on each of our foreheads he left the house
I only hoped that he fufils his promise,he had to come back to me,he just had to.
????liam pov????
I got to the hospital and quickly walked in
Sarah had called to tell me that Miranda wanted to see me and I knew what it was.
I got to the room to find my mom on the bed,she keeps On getting weak by the day and this Sarah isn’t helping
I gave her an angry look before going to greet my mom
“Liam what is this am hearing” she said
“What ?” I said
“That you left to go search for that stupid Kate” sarah said
“Is it true?” My mother said
“I can’t do it mom,I can’t keep my promise to you,I love Kate and she will be the only love of my life” I said and I heard Sarah gasp
“You see Miranda,I told you,I told you to do something about it” Sarah said
“But you made me a promise liam”my mom said
” I know that I did that but i can’t mom, I dont love Sarah and having to spend the rest of my life with her will make me go mad”I said
“Or its Kate who will run you mad” Sarah said again and angrily I walked up to her and pulled her by the arm
“Hey let me go” she screamed but I didn’t listen,I threw her out of the room
“Dont you ever come back,I dont want you anywhere my mom or me,you’ve been warned and you know what am capable of” I said and saw the frightened look on her face before closing the door
“You shouldn’t have done that to Sarah” she said weakly
“She has stayed long in our company, its time for her to leave permanently” I said
“But liam……”
“No mom,have had enough okay!!! Ever since I was a kid you’ve always tell me what to do,I even agreed to marry Sarah for your sake but not anymore mom,for once think about me,think about what will make me happy” I said
“But Kate wouldn’t make you happy”
“She would mom,I love her,always have and she loves me and am sure that little liliana will love to have you as a grandma” I said and she starred at me in surprise
“Who is little liliana”
“She is your grandchild,mine and Kate child” I said and saw a smile lit up her face
“You would really like her when you see her mom” I said smiling too knowing that my Mom have finally accept Kate and my child
????kate pov????
I walked back home feeling so tired,the nanny would be putting liliana to sleep now,I thought sadly
Liam isn’t back yet,he had promised to come back and I have kept hoping
But as the day got darker my hope too is fading away
I doubt if liam would come,I thought as I walked into the house
My bag fell from my hand when I saw liam sitting in the room playing with little liliana
“Liam” I whispered gently and he turned to give me a smile
“Won’t you give me a hug” he said and feeling so very happy,I ran into in his arms and gave him a kiss