Brown Skin Girl. Episode 36-40
37 min read
????????She’s troublesome and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
???????????????????? Episode 36 ????????????????????
????????????????Skylar’s p .o. v ????????????????
The doctor told me I was okay before he left.
I couldn’t believe Logan had sex with sheila and he even told me he doesn’t love me,maybe this is what I deserve for being so self centered.
I just sat down on the hospital bed with my legs crossed and faced the wall.
I heard the door opening ,but I didn’t bother to check cause I already knew who was coming in.
I can’t face anyone right now.
The room was so quiet and I only heard the sound of beeping,I sighed and slowly closed my eyes,I opened them and stared at the drip on my hand.
I felt someone’s hands on my back but I still didn’t turn.
“Skylar!,it’s Dad and everyone’s here to see you” he said and sniffed.
I still didn’t turn to face them.
“Great news sky,nothing serious his wrong with you and I promise to always take care of you ,my mom is also here” Nicky said cheerfully.
“Hi! Skylar,it’s me Miss flora ” Nicky’s Mom said.
“Stop acting stubborn and talk to us okay!,we all got worried sick about you and all you do is keep quiet” grandma said sadly.
I still didn’t move,not talk.
I wanted to but the words wouldn’t just come out.
“I understand how you feel Skylar but you can’t shut your family out,they are all worried sick ,even Nicky and am also worried dear,say something please” Nicky’s Mom said.
“It’s okay If you don’t wanna say something” my Dad said.
“You know what sky,we’re gonna play our favorite games and watch sponge Bob together just like we always do” Nicky said cheerfully.
I still didn’t turn ,nor answer ,I just continued staring at the drip on my hand.
Is this really me?.
I imagined Logan smiling at me and I recalled a past event.
Me and Logan went to the beach to have fun since Nicky doesn’t wanna talk to me anymore.
“Logan slow down ,I can’t keep up” I yelled and ran after him.
Actually we made a bet that whosoever was the first to reach a coconut tree at the far end of the beach would have to piggy back the other person.
And his winning.” Try and keep up sweet heart” he yelled back at me.
“Logan my legs hurt badly” I cried .
He had already won.
I stopped running and tried to catch my breath,she quickly bent down and stared at my sweaty face.
He looks so handsome.
“Stop trying to pretend Skylar and you should have seen your face,you were like .”
“Logan please slow down my legs hurt” he said mimicking my voice.
I angrily hit his back and he groaned in pain.
“Piggy back me Skylar ” he said trying hard not to laugh.
I yelled but no sound was heard and I shock my body vigorously.
I bent down a little and he climbed my back.
“Hmm Logan ,I think my legs are gonna break ” I complained.
I took three more steps and my legs couldn’t move further ,so we both fell on the ground (sand).
I slowly opened my eyes and Logan was on top of me,he stared deeply into my eyes before I quickly pushed him off.
He quickly stood up.
“Come on get on ,I’ll piggy back you ” he said and quickly carried me.
“Logan put me down!!!!” I screamed at the top of my voice but he continued running.
Minutes later he finally dropped me and tried to catch his breath.
I was so happy and didn’t know when I hugged him,he also held me tight.
I quickly bent to kiss his cheek but he was fast enough to put his lips and our lips touched.
I felt butterflies dancing in my stomach .
I was so shocked,he just smiled at me.
“Logan I’ll kill you” I yelled and chased after him.
He laughed and ran faster.
“Logan wait up am tired” I lamented.
“Chase me,chase me” he said laughing.
I stopped thinking and stared intensely at the wall.
A smile escaped my lips and I sobbed ,hot tears poured down my eyes like rain.
“Skylar the doctor said you can go home ,come on let’s go” my Dad said and helped me sit up right.
My face was so dull,I didn’t even answer.
Nicky,miss flora,grandma and mostly Dad was worried about me but I really needed Logan back ,if not am gonna die.
Miss flora cleaned my tears with her scarf.
Skylar’s seriously hurt and I don’t think I like it????????.
I don’t think sky’s gonna forgive Logan.
????????????????????BROWN SKIN GIRL(my crazy girl)????????????????????
????????She’s troublesome and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
????????????????????Episode 37 ????????????????????
????????????????Logan’s p .o. v ????????????????
Am really having fun here in California.
Alana always wants to spend time with me, Mrs Victoria told me that exams are starting next month.
I told mom and she told me I was gonna go back home next month.
I know I could take the exams on the next but I just wanted to go back and see dad.
Am in Stefan’s house, and so are the others.
We’re playing play station 4(football)
Alana’s so good at video games
Hmm influence of us.
“I still can’t believe Alana is winning Ryan”Stefan said and smiled broadly.
“Am just taking it easy on her cause she’s a girl.
There’s no way I’ll let a girl beat me in football” he said staring at Alana.
“Well watch and see how am going kick your butt,whimp!”she said.
“You two should stop talking and play your games”I said getting tired of their rantings.
Max barked and ran towards me.
“Hey! Boy, it’s been so long I said and he wiggled his tail.
“Keep it down max!”Stefan yelled, he was sweating profusely.
I guess he doesn’t wanna loose and Alana is so eager to win.
Max stopped barking and wiggled his tail, he barked and in circles.
He does that whenever his happy about something.
“Hmm I really wonder who’s gonna win?” I asked.
“Alana of course ,Stefan’s just wasting is strength ” Ryan said and we both laughed.
Minutes later⏰⏰⏰
Stefan really did lose to Alana and he wasn’t happy about it.
Alana was so happy ,I really pity him cause his gonna serve her for the whole day and Alana is so demanding.
I was talking with my friends when my phone started ringing.
I sighed and checked the caller ID,I wonder who’s calling?.
Great! It’s my Dad ,I wonder what he wants?.
The room was so silent cause I told everyone to keep quiet.
“Hmm how are you doing Logan?,I just called cause I missed you” he said.
“Is that the reason you called me Dad?” I asked .
“Well thanks ,one of the reasons hmm well I want you to come back to America ,there’s an important business meeting I have to attend and I wanted you to accompany me as my son” he said .
Immediately he finished saying that everyone just stared at me.
I shock my head vigorously while they all nodded.
Am not ready to go back to America and I can’t say no to my Dad either
“Okay Dad!,so when is this business meeting?” I asked.
“Next week Monday,thanks for agreeing to this Logan,you don’t know how happy I am .bye gotta go attend to someone” he said and the line went off.
I dropped my phone on the floor and ruffled my hair.
“Finally your going back to America and don’t worry cause am coming with you.
It’s been long since have seen my uncle and I have something to fix” she said and pecked my cheeks before walking away.
“You know we’re also here and you didn’t even peck our cheeks ” Stefan lamented.
“So not fair Alana,it’s achieve you love Logan more than us” Ryan said and pouted his lips.
Alana hissed and finally spoke up ” well the reasons simple,you guys are a bunch of fools” she said and walked away.
They both stare at me with watery eyes and I couldn’t help it but laugh hard ????????.
T. b. c
Finally Logans gonna come back home .
Alana’s planning something????????.
????????She’s troublesome and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
???????????????????? Episode 38 ????????????????????
❤❤???????? Nicky’s p. o. v ????????❤❤
Time sure runs fast .it’s been two weeks already and Skylar’s still the same.
She doesn’t talk to anyone and she’s always locked up in her room,she barely eats and cries a lot.
Have never seen this kind of thing in my whole life.
Mr Morris is also worried ,so is grandma, but we have tried all we can but it’s just not working.
My mom baked Skylar’s favorite cake but she still refused to eat .
She doesn’t go to school,all she does is stay in her room all day and am getting worried.
Today’s Tuesday and am already back from school.
Mason followed me cause he wanted to see how Skylar’s been doing.
We’re already outside Skylar’s room door and we have been begging her to come out but she wouldn’t even open up,not to talk of talking to us.
“Skylar please it’s Massy ,I know how you feel but please don’t shut us out.
We’re your friends remember ,River,Luke,Liam and the others are worried sick about you .
I really miss the old Skylar ,who’s stubborn,troublesome and funny too,do you think what your doing to yourself is good ?.Mr Morris your Dad is worried sick ,even your grandma ” Mason said waiting for her to reply.
“Can you at least say something?” Nicky pleaded.
She didn’t talk.
“Would your mom be happy seeing you like this ?,you know the exams are at the corner and your missing school.
Please Skylar come out and stop being so moody.
Try being the old Skylar again,without you the whole schools boring and Sheila’s acting like the boss again .come and take what is rightfully yours ” Mason said and waited for her to talk but no word ever came.
He sighed and walked away leaving only me.
“Skylar!!,Mason just left and am also gonna leave but before I do that ,please come to school tomorrow” I said and walked away hoping Masons words got to her.
❤❤???????? Skylar’s p . o. v ????????❤❤
I heard everything he said and couldn’t help it but tear up.
My rooms in a mess and my hairs all tattered.
I feel so miserable and stupid .my phone started ringing and the ringing tone was a song titled ” Always” sang by Taylor swift.
The lyrics echoed in my head .I couldn’t hold it in anymore.
I burst into tears and cried my eyes out,I bet Logans happy wherever he his ,unlike me.
Then I didn’t even know when I slept off.
The next morning ,I was already up.
I was inside the bathroom, I had already arranged my whole room.
When Mason called my mom ,it touched my soul .I couldn’t continue this ,I couldn’t believe that I haven’t talked to my old man for weeks .
I finally decided to go to school and forget about Logan .
Maybe we were never really meant to be.
I quickly bath, did the necessary before putting on my clothes.
I hanged my school bag and sighed before opening my room door.
Minutes later I was already downstairs .I walked towards the dinning area and everyone was sited their eating their breakfast and laughing amongst themselves.
I coughed and everyone stared at me surprised.
“Good morning Mr morris ,grandma ,Miss Flora and Nicky !!” I yelled and smiled broadly.
Actually Nicky and her mom sleep over sometime.
“Good morning Skylar ” they all chorused .
I laughed hard before joining them for breakfast.
I really miss my family and I guess I was acting selfish and self centered. I never really thought about others and only myself.
It wasn’t their fault that I lost Logan ,it was mine and this was the price I had to pay ,but I foolishly shut my family and friends out of my life.
I don’t wanna make that mistake and besides I promised Dad that I’ll be a good girl and I wasn’t keeping my promise but now I’ll.
I guess I don’t deserve someone like Logan but sheila does,he made that clear in the video he sent.
❤❤???????? Alana’s p . o. v ????????❤❤
Am really gonna do everything in my power so that Skylar and Logan comes back together.
I know that they both love each other so much ,but I just don’t know what’s actually their problem.
Logan has been in America for the past two days now and am not sure his going back.
I told all Logans friends not to tell anyone that Logan’s back even Skylar’s sister to be.
I know a lot about her cause Logan told me.
I dialed Masons number and he picked at the first ring .
“Hey! Mason ,so how did the convincing speech go?” I asked waiting for an answer.
The line was silent before he finally spoke up.
“Well I don’t think my words did any good Alana,Skylar’s a strong girl even if she’s broken down now doesn’t mean she won’t get up.
Am starting to fear one thing Alana ” he said dryly.
“And what’s that Mason ?”
“Well I fear that Skylar’s gonna start hating Logan and try to forget him.
She still haven’t gotten over that video remember.”
I know about the video cause Mason told me and I chose not to tell Logan ,I want him to find out himself.
His girlfriend tells him everything.
“Oh! ,I guess your right but don’t worry cause am gonna do everything in my power to bring them back together”
“Okay I trust you Alana ,bye” he said and the line went off.
That I promise ,I won’t rest until these two are back together.
T. b. c
Wow! ,Alana’s planning to bring Logan and Skylar together and do u think she’ll succeed..???
????????????????????BROWN SKIN GIRL (my crazy girl)????????????????????
????????She’s trouble some and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
???????????????????? Episode 39 ????????????????????
❤❤???????? Logan’s p .o. v ????????❤❤
It’s been two days already since I came back home and my life still wasn’t the same without Skylar.
I couldn’t even go to their house and talk to her ,I just can’t cause I heard she’s sick.
Me and Dad had already handled that business deal. I saw Mr Morris but his facial expression was so dull.
I know he can’t stand seeing his only child hurt.
Am not even seeing her in school and when I ask nobody’s even gonna tell me anything.
Today’s Wednesday and am already set for school.
I really need to work hard and finish high school in flying colors.
Am already ready for school ,wanting to know what today would bring.
I hanged my school bag and walked out of my room.
It’s already second period and it was a free period cause Mrs Beatrice isn’t feeling too well ,so I decided to go to the toilet.
????” oh! my God isn’t that Logan ,his son handsome”
????” I love his new look”
????”I heard him and sheila are dating”
I ignored their talks and walked further .I was also close to the stairs when someone blocked my path.
I raised up my head and found out that it was Luke,he was panting heavily.
“One minute” he said showing me one of his fingers.
A minute later⏰⏰⏰
“Skylar’s back in school Logan .I saw her and I think she’s coming this way” he said smiling.
“So what do you want me to do ?” I asked .
“Hmm aren’t you gonna talk to her, cause it’s been a while since you two conversed” he said staring at me in awe.
“Okay fine I’ll,I guess talking to her isn’t so bad” I said.
⏰⏰minutes Later I saw her and Nicky walking towards us.
Students were waving and smiling at Skylar ,she just smiled lightly and waved back at them.
Few more steps and she was finally in front of me.
She’s so beautiful and always likes dressing fancy.
She doesn’t seem happy to see me at all and I wonder why?.
“Hey! Skylar,how have you being doing?” I asked.
She rolled her eyes and said she was fine.
“Hmm I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime cause it’s been so long we saw each other” I said quickly.
“Logan what do you take me for ?,a fool or dummy” she asked dryly.
I was shocked at her out burst.
“Skylar I know you still love me too and I’ve not being able to get over you .please go out on a date with me.
Let’s forget about the past and move on ” I said.
“Am sorry Logan but my hearts closed for renovation back when the damage has been repaired” she said.
“Skylar please I still love you a lot and am not doing this because Alana asked me to” I said trying to sound more convincing.
“Oh! , Please shut up! Logan ,I wanted to talk to you and say lots of things but then I realized I don’t have right to…!!” She said.
“I know I’m not what u want….and it hurts me because all I want is only you…!!” I said tearing up.
“How dare you still try to sweet talk me Logan .
You don’t know anything about me ,so stay away from me,my God your so disgusting” she said.
“Skylar please stop being unreasonable and try to see that am apologizing here”
“Do you know what I passed through because of you ?,sometimes I just want to text you or call to say I love you so much and I miss you so much and tell you how’s everything without you but I cry cause I know I have no right to even talk to you..!!”
“Skylar please you have to believe me am serious.
I tried so hard to forget you but the more I thought of you”
“You know your annoying me right now?.I know I shut you out ,played with your feelings and hurt you badly but was that the best way to get back at me?” She asked boldly.
“What .??..why ?,what are you talking about?,cause I didn’t do anything” I said cause I was confused.
“Oh! Don’t act so innocent and stop being an hypocrite cause it doesn’t suit you” I said .
“I swear I don’t know what your talking about ”
“Logan get out of my sight and don’t you dare talk to me ,you made it clear that we can never be together by sending me those disgusting stuffs.
I can’t even look at you ,your presence alone irritates me” she said almost crying.
She wanted to walk away but I held her wrist.
“Let go of my hand Logan” she said but I wasn’t ready to let go.
“Am sorry Sky and please don’t ignore me ,your hurting me and you know I love you a lot” I said.
“If you really loved me you would never hurt me ,now let me goooo!!” She yelled.
“Not until you forgive me”
She forcefully jerked my hands off hers and gave me a hot slap.
“That’s just a warning stay away from me” she said and walked away.
I sighed and held my school bag tighter.
“Skylar’s really mad at you and she might never talk to you again” Luke said and started laughing.
I stared at Alana who didn’t follow her.
“What video Alana?.what was Skylar talking about?” I asked.
She brought out her phone and showed it to me.
I was so shocked ,I knew this happened but I never believed she videod it and sent it to Skylar.
“She’s gonna pay Nicky and Nicky you believe me right?.
I didn’t send any if those things to Skylar ,I mean why would I?”
“I believe you Logan but you know Skylar’s really mad and she has gone through a lot because of you.
She was happy to finally have you back but no you had to ruin it by sending those stupid videos and message.
I still believe you but am not the one that needs convincing ,it’s Skylar so good luck!” She said and walked away.
“Sheila’s gonna pay for this ,how dare she temper with my phone and she even made things worst with me and Skylar” I said and ran to look for her.
Am gonna warn her real good ,she has crossed the line this time.
T . b . c
Logan’s gonna finally put sheila in her place.
Do you think Skylar did the right thing…???
????????????????????BROWN SKIN GIRL(my crazy girl)????????????????????
????????She’s troublesome and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
???????????????????? Episode 40????????????????????
❤❤???????? Sheila’s p . o . v ????????❤❤
A lot has happened these few days and am glad to say I finally succeeded in separating Logan and Skylar.
Logan would finally be mine and I heard Skylar’s in school today and also Logan.
I can’t wait to talk to him about us coming back together,am so excited I bet Skylar’s gonna finally stay out of my way.
Some lesson periods had already passed ,me and my friends were talking and laughing amongst ourselves .
I can’t wait to see Logan and I bet his gonna be so happy to see me.
Talking about Logan ,well if today isn’t my lucky day,he was walking towards me and it seems he wasn’t really pleased to see me.
Just some few more steps and he was finally in front of me.
“Wow! ,Logan am so glad to see you and I know what you wanna say so why don’t we go talk about it somewhere else hah!” I said smiling happily.
He mumbled some few words before he finally spoke up.
“Your right !,why don’t we go somewhere else private” he said and quickly held my wrist.
“I’ll be right back girls ,it seems my soon to be boyfriend wants to talk to me” I said.
“Okay! sheila ” they all chorused.
“Come on “he said and forcefully pulled me along.
“Hmm Logan your hurting my wrist” I complained but he still didn’t answer.
I wonder what could be the matter ?,he increased his pace and I just had to walk faster to catch up with him.
“Logan please slow down ,my legs are gonna hurt ” I complained again.
⏰⏰⏰Minutes later we were both in an empty class room .
Students hardly takes classes here.
I think I know why he brought me here ,he can’t just get over my sexy and delicious body.
” Logan if you wanted sex you could have just asked and you know I would gladly give my body to you” I said seductively.
I just watched him,he was sweating and I wonder why?.
His eyes were blood shot red and he was staring at me with so much rage.
“Hmm Logan are you okay?,are you sick?” I asked and tried to touch his bare neck but he held my hand in mid air.
“Don’t you dare try or even think of touching me you slut!” He yelled and pushed my hand away.
“What’s your problem Logan?” I asked.
“What’s my problem?,your my problem”
“What do you mean am your problem?,I didn’t even do anything ” I said looking confused.
“Oh please! ,Stop being an hypocrite and put an end to all this stupid act of yours.
I know what you did Sheila ,how dare you temper with my phone ,how dare you send Skylar that video.
I can’t believe you videod it,your really that desperate to have me for yourself and can go to any length even if it means hurting someone” he said still staring at me.
“I guess you found out about the video ,achieve I care if anyone gets hurt. I love you Logan and I can’t watch you loving some else ”
“You don’t love me but yourself ,cause if you did you would want to see happy and not be an hindrance to my happiness,your ruining my life Sheila.
You have to stop this madness, trying to force me to love you cause your only making me hate you” he said and ruffled his hair.
“Logan are you still in love with Skylar?,she hurt your feelings and treated you like your nothing and you stay love her ,why?” I said crying.
“Well it’s simple ,Skylar’s got a heart unlike you and I love her with almost my heart and am not gonna give up on her.
I knew Skylar was gonna gonna be happy to see me but you ruined everything.
Most of our problems isn’t from us but you and please from today henceforth stay away from me ,don’t talk to me or even stare at me.
Don’t come to my house,only your presence suffocates me.
You know what?,I wish I never met you ” he said and wanted to walk away but I drew him back.
“Logan please take all of what you said back,I love you and your meant to love me not her” I said immediately.
“Let me make one thing clear,even if your the last girl on earth ,I would rather die single than get married to you or even have you as my girlfriend.
Take note your not invited to my birthday party.
Just seeing your face there is gonna ruin my mood” he said and forcefully yanked my hands off his before walking away.
I knelt down and sobbed.
“This is all Skylar’s fault and no one can stop me from attending your birthday party Logan “I said angrily.
T . b. c
Logan told her his mind .
One word for Sheila..????????????????She’s troublesome and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
???????????????????? Episode 36 ????????????????????
????????????????Skylar’s p .o. v ????????????????
The doctor told me I was okay before he left.
I couldn’t believe Logan had sex with sheila and he even told me he doesn’t love me,maybe this is what I deserve for being so self centered.
I just sat down on the hospital bed with my legs crossed and faced the wall.
I heard the door opening ,but I didn’t bother to check cause I already knew who was coming in.
I can’t face anyone right now.
The room was so quiet and I only heard the sound of beeping,I sighed and slowly closed my eyes,I opened them and stared at the drip on my hand.
I felt someone’s hands on my back but I still didn’t turn.
“Skylar!,it’s Dad and everyone’s here to see you” he said and sniffed.
I still didn’t turn to face them.
“Great news sky,nothing serious his wrong with you and I promise to always take care of you ,my mom is also here” Nicky said cheerfully.
“Hi! Skylar,it’s me Miss flora ” Nicky’s Mom said.
“Stop acting stubborn and talk to us okay!,we all got worried sick about you and all you do is keep quiet” grandma said sadly.
I still didn’t move,not talk.
I wanted to but the words wouldn’t just come out.
“I understand how you feel Skylar but you can’t shut your family out,they are all worried sick ,even Nicky and am also worried dear,say something please” Nicky’s Mom said.
“It’s okay If you don’t wanna say something” my Dad said.
“You know what sky,we’re gonna play our favorite games and watch sponge Bob together just like we always do” Nicky said cheerfully.
I still didn’t turn ,nor answer ,I just continued staring at the drip on my hand.
Is this really me?.
I imagined Logan smiling at me and I recalled a past event.
Me and Logan went to the beach to have fun since Nicky doesn’t wanna talk to me anymore.
“Logan slow down ,I can’t keep up” I yelled and ran after him.
Actually we made a bet that whosoever was the first to reach a coconut tree at the far end of the beach would have to piggy back the other person.
And his winning.” Try and keep up sweet heart” he yelled back at me.
“Logan my legs hurt badly” I cried .
He had already won.
I stopped running and tried to catch my breath,she quickly bent down and stared at my sweaty face.
He looks so handsome.
“Stop trying to pretend Skylar and you should have seen your face,you were like .”
“Logan please slow down my legs hurt” he said mimicking my voice.
I angrily hit his back and he groaned in pain.
“Piggy back me Skylar ” he said trying hard not to laugh.
I yelled but no sound was heard and I shock my body vigorously.
I bent down a little and he climbed my back.
“Hmm Logan ,I think my legs are gonna break ” I complained.
I took three more steps and my legs couldn’t move further ,so we both fell on the ground (sand).
I slowly opened my eyes and Logan was on top of me,he stared deeply into my eyes before I quickly pushed him off.
He quickly stood up.
“Come on get on ,I’ll piggy back you ” he said and quickly carried me.
“Logan put me down!!!!” I screamed at the top of my voice but he continued running.
Minutes later he finally dropped me and tried to catch his breath.
I was so happy and didn’t know when I hugged him,he also held me tight.
I quickly bent to kiss his cheek but he was fast enough to put his lips and our lips touched.
I felt butterflies dancing in my stomach .
I was so shocked,he just smiled at me.
“Logan I’ll kill you” I yelled and chased after him.
He laughed and ran faster.
“Logan wait up am tired” I lamented.
“Chase me,chase me” he said laughing.
I stopped thinking and stared intensely at the wall.
A smile escaped my lips and I sobbed ,hot tears poured down my eyes like rain.
“Skylar the doctor said you can go home ,come on let’s go” my Dad said and helped me sit up right.
My face was so dull,I didn’t even answer.
Nicky,miss flora,grandma and mostly Dad was worried about me but I really needed Logan back ,if not am gonna die.
Miss flora cleaned my tears with her scarf.
Skylar’s seriously hurt and I don’t think I like it????????.
I don’t think sky’s gonna forgive Logan.
????????????????????BROWN SKIN GIRL(my crazy girl)????????????????????
????????She’s troublesome and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
????????????????????Episode 37 ????????????????????
????????????????Logan’s p .o. v ????????????????
Am really having fun here in California.
Alana always wants to spend time with me, Mrs Victoria told me that exams are starting next month.
I told mom and she told me I was gonna go back home next month.
I know I could take the exams on the next but I just wanted to go back and see dad.
Am in Stefan’s house, and so are the others.
We’re playing play station 4(football)
Alana’s so good at video games
Hmm influence of us.
“I still can’t believe Alana is winning Ryan”Stefan said and smiled broadly.
“Am just taking it easy on her cause she’s a girl.
There’s no way I’ll let a girl beat me in football” he said staring at Alana.
“Well watch and see how am going kick your butt,whimp!”she said.
“You two should stop talking and play your games”I said getting tired of their rantings.
Max barked and ran towards me.
“Hey! Boy, it’s been so long I said and he wiggled his tail.
“Keep it down max!”Stefan yelled, he was sweating profusely.
I guess he doesn’t wanna loose and Alana is so eager to win.
Max stopped barking and wiggled his tail, he barked and in circles.
He does that whenever his happy about something.
“Hmm I really wonder who’s gonna win?” I asked.
“Alana of course ,Stefan’s just wasting is strength ” Ryan said and we both laughed.
Minutes later⏰⏰⏰
Stefan really did lose to Alana and he wasn’t happy about it.
Alana was so happy ,I really pity him cause his gonna serve her for the whole day and Alana is so demanding.
I was talking with my friends when my phone started ringing.
I sighed and checked the caller ID,I wonder who’s calling?.
Great! It’s my Dad ,I wonder what he wants?.
The room was so silent cause I told everyone to keep quiet.
“Hmm how are you doing Logan?,I just called cause I missed you” he said.
“Is that the reason you called me Dad?” I asked .
“Well thanks ,one of the reasons hmm well I want you to come back to America ,there’s an important business meeting I have to attend and I wanted you to accompany me as my son” he said .
Immediately he finished saying that everyone just stared at me.
I shock my head vigorously while they all nodded.
Am not ready to go back to America and I can’t say no to my Dad either
“Okay Dad!,so when is this business meeting?” I asked.
“Next week Monday,thanks for agreeing to this Logan,you don’t know how happy I am .bye gotta go attend to someone” he said and the line went off.
I dropped my phone on the floor and ruffled my hair.
“Finally your going back to America and don’t worry cause am coming with you.
It’s been long since have seen my uncle and I have something to fix” she said and pecked my cheeks before walking away.
“You know we’re also here and you didn’t even peck our cheeks ” Stefan lamented.
“So not fair Alana,it’s achieve you love Logan more than us” Ryan said and pouted his lips.
Alana hissed and finally spoke up ” well the reasons simple,you guys are a bunch of fools” she said and walked away.
They both stare at me with watery eyes and I couldn’t help it but laugh hard ????????.
T. b. c
Finally Logans gonna come back home .
Alana’s planning something????????.
????????She’s troublesome and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
???????????????????? Episode 38 ????????????????????
❤❤???????? Nicky’s p. o. v ????????❤❤
Time sure runs fast .it’s been two weeks already and Skylar’s still the same.
She doesn’t talk to anyone and she’s always locked up in her room,she barely eats and cries a lot.
Have never seen this kind of thing in my whole life.
Mr Morris is also worried ,so is grandma, but we have tried all we can but it’s just not working.
My mom baked Skylar’s favorite cake but she still refused to eat .
She doesn’t go to school,all she does is stay in her room all day and am getting worried.
Today’s Tuesday and am already back from school.
Mason followed me cause he wanted to see how Skylar’s been doing.
We’re already outside Skylar’s room door and we have been begging her to come out but she wouldn’t even open up,not to talk of talking to us.
“Skylar please it’s Massy ,I know how you feel but please don’t shut us out.
We’re your friends remember ,River,Luke,Liam and the others are worried sick about you .
I really miss the old Skylar ,who’s stubborn,troublesome and funny too,do you think what your doing to yourself is good ?.Mr Morris your Dad is worried sick ,even your grandma ” Mason said waiting for her to reply.
“Can you at least say something?” Nicky pleaded.
She didn’t talk.
“Would your mom be happy seeing you like this ?,you know the exams are at the corner and your missing school.
Please Skylar come out and stop being so moody.
Try being the old Skylar again,without you the whole schools boring and Sheila’s acting like the boss again .come and take what is rightfully yours ” Mason said and waited for her to talk but no word ever came.
He sighed and walked away leaving only me.
“Skylar!!,Mason just left and am also gonna leave but before I do that ,please come to school tomorrow” I said and walked away hoping Masons words got to her.
❤❤???????? Skylar’s p . o. v ????????❤❤
I heard everything he said and couldn’t help it but tear up.
My rooms in a mess and my hairs all tattered.
I feel so miserable and stupid .my phone started ringing and the ringing tone was a song titled ” Always” sang by Taylor swift.
The lyrics echoed in my head .I couldn’t hold it in anymore.
I burst into tears and cried my eyes out,I bet Logans happy wherever he his ,unlike me.
Then I didn’t even know when I slept off.
The next morning ,I was already up.
I was inside the bathroom, I had already arranged my whole room.
When Mason called my mom ,it touched my soul .I couldn’t continue this ,I couldn’t believe that I haven’t talked to my old man for weeks .
I finally decided to go to school and forget about Logan .
Maybe we were never really meant to be.
I quickly bath, did the necessary before putting on my clothes.
I hanged my school bag and sighed before opening my room door.
Minutes later I was already downstairs .I walked towards the dinning area and everyone was sited their eating their breakfast and laughing amongst themselves.
I coughed and everyone stared at me surprised.
“Good morning Mr morris ,grandma ,Miss Flora and Nicky !!” I yelled and smiled broadly.
Actually Nicky and her mom sleep over sometime.
“Good morning Skylar ” they all chorused .
I laughed hard before joining them for breakfast.
I really miss my family and I guess I was acting selfish and self centered. I never really thought about others and only myself.
It wasn’t their fault that I lost Logan ,it was mine and this was the price I had to pay ,but I foolishly shut my family and friends out of my life.
I don’t wanna make that mistake and besides I promised Dad that I’ll be a good girl and I wasn’t keeping my promise but now I’ll.
I guess I don’t deserve someone like Logan but sheila does,he made that clear in the video he sent.
❤❤???????? Alana’s p . o. v ????????❤❤
Am really gonna do everything in my power so that Skylar and Logan comes back together.
I know that they both love each other so much ,but I just don’t know what’s actually their problem.
Logan has been in America for the past two days now and am not sure his going back.
I told all Logans friends not to tell anyone that Logan’s back even Skylar’s sister to be.
I know a lot about her cause Logan told me.
I dialed Masons number and he picked at the first ring .
“Hey! Mason ,so how did the convincing speech go?” I asked waiting for an answer.
The line was silent before he finally spoke up.
“Well I don’t think my words did any good Alana,Skylar’s a strong girl even if she’s broken down now doesn’t mean she won’t get up.
Am starting to fear one thing Alana ” he said dryly.
“And what’s that Mason ?”
“Well I fear that Skylar’s gonna start hating Logan and try to forget him.
She still haven’t gotten over that video remember.”
I know about the video cause Mason told me and I chose not to tell Logan ,I want him to find out himself.
His girlfriend tells him everything.
“Oh! ,I guess your right but don’t worry cause am gonna do everything in my power to bring them back together”
“Okay I trust you Alana ,bye” he said and the line went off.
That I promise ,I won’t rest until these two are back together.
T. b. c
Wow! ,Alana’s planning to bring Logan and Skylar together and do u think she’ll succeed..???
????????????????????BROWN SKIN GIRL (my crazy girl)????????????????????
????????She’s trouble some and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
???????????????????? Episode 39 ????????????????????
❤❤???????? Logan’s p .o. v ????????❤❤
It’s been two days already since I came back home and my life still wasn’t the same without Skylar.
I couldn’t even go to their house and talk to her ,I just can’t cause I heard she’s sick.
Me and Dad had already handled that business deal. I saw Mr Morris but his facial expression was so dull.
I know he can’t stand seeing his only child hurt.
Am not even seeing her in school and when I ask nobody’s even gonna tell me anything.
Today’s Wednesday and am already set for school.
I really need to work hard and finish high school in flying colors.
Am already ready for school ,wanting to know what today would bring.
I hanged my school bag and walked out of my room.
It’s already second period and it was a free period cause Mrs Beatrice isn’t feeling too well ,so I decided to go to the toilet.
????” oh! my God isn’t that Logan ,his son handsome”
????” I love his new look”
????”I heard him and sheila are dating”
I ignored their talks and walked further .I was also close to the stairs when someone blocked my path.
I raised up my head and found out that it was Luke,he was panting heavily.
“One minute” he said showing me one of his fingers.
A minute later⏰⏰⏰
“Skylar’s back in school Logan .I saw her and I think she’s coming this way” he said smiling.
“So what do you want me to do ?” I asked .
“Hmm aren’t you gonna talk to her, cause it’s been a while since you two conversed” he said staring at me in awe.
“Okay fine I’ll,I guess talking to her isn’t so bad” I said.
⏰⏰minutes Later I saw her and Nicky walking towards us.
Students were waving and smiling at Skylar ,she just smiled lightly and waved back at them.
Few more steps and she was finally in front of me.
She’s so beautiful and always likes dressing fancy.
She doesn’t seem happy to see me at all and I wonder why?.
“Hey! Skylar,how have you being doing?” I asked.
She rolled her eyes and said she was fine.
“Hmm I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime cause it’s been so long we saw each other” I said quickly.
“Logan what do you take me for ?,a fool or dummy” she asked dryly.
I was shocked at her out burst.
“Skylar I know you still love me too and I’ve not being able to get over you .please go out on a date with me.
Let’s forget about the past and move on ” I said.
“Am sorry Logan but my hearts closed for renovation back when the damage has been repaired” she said.
“Skylar please I still love you a lot and am not doing this because Alana asked me to” I said trying to sound more convincing.
“Oh! , Please shut up! Logan ,I wanted to talk to you and say lots of things but then I realized I don’t have right to…!!” She said.
“I know I’m not what u want….and it hurts me because all I want is only you…!!” I said tearing up.
“How dare you still try to sweet talk me Logan .
You don’t know anything about me ,so stay away from me,my God your so disgusting” she said.
“Skylar please stop being unreasonable and try to see that am apologizing here”
“Do you know what I passed through because of you ?,sometimes I just want to text you or call to say I love you so much and I miss you so much and tell you how’s everything without you but I cry cause I know I have no right to even talk to you..!!”
“Skylar please you have to believe me am serious.
I tried so hard to forget you but the more I thought of you”
“You know your annoying me right now?.I know I shut you out ,played with your feelings and hurt you badly but was that the best way to get back at me?” She asked boldly.
“What .??..why ?,what are you talking about?,cause I didn’t do anything” I said cause I was confused.
“Oh! Don’t act so innocent and stop being an hypocrite cause it doesn’t suit you” I said .
“I swear I don’t know what your talking about ”
“Logan get out of my sight and don’t you dare talk to me ,you made it clear that we can never be together by sending me those disgusting stuffs.
I can’t even look at you ,your presence alone irritates me” she said almost crying.
She wanted to walk away but I held her wrist.
“Let go of my hand Logan” she said but I wasn’t ready to let go.
“Am sorry Sky and please don’t ignore me ,your hurting me and you know I love you a lot” I said.
“If you really loved me you would never hurt me ,now let me goooo!!” She yelled.
“Not until you forgive me”
She forcefully jerked my hands off hers and gave me a hot slap.
“That’s just a warning stay away from me” she said and walked away.
I sighed and held my school bag tighter.
“Skylar’s really mad at you and she might never talk to you again” Luke said and started laughing.
I stared at Alana who didn’t follow her.
“What video Alana?.what was Skylar talking about?” I asked.
She brought out her phone and showed it to me.
I was so shocked ,I knew this happened but I never believed she videod it and sent it to Skylar.
“She’s gonna pay Nicky and Nicky you believe me right?.
I didn’t send any if those things to Skylar ,I mean why would I?”
“I believe you Logan but you know Skylar’s really mad and she has gone through a lot because of you.
She was happy to finally have you back but no you had to ruin it by sending those stupid videos and message.
I still believe you but am not the one that needs convincing ,it’s Skylar so good luck!” She said and walked away.
“Sheila’s gonna pay for this ,how dare she temper with my phone and she even made things worst with me and Skylar” I said and ran to look for her.
Am gonna warn her real good ,she has crossed the line this time.
T . b . c
Logan’s gonna finally put sheila in her place.
Do you think Skylar did the right thing…???
????????????????????BROWN SKIN GIRL(my crazy girl)????????????????????
????????She’s troublesome and crazy but she’s still my girl????????
???????????????????? Episode 40????????????????????
❤❤???????? Sheila’s p . o . v ????????❤❤
A lot has happened these few days and am glad to say I finally succeeded in separating Logan and Skylar.
Logan would finally be mine and I heard Skylar’s in school today and also Logan.
I can’t wait to talk to him about us coming back together,am so excited I bet Skylar’s gonna finally stay out of my way.
Some lesson periods had already passed ,me and my friends were talking and laughing amongst ourselves .
I can’t wait to see Logan and I bet his gonna be so happy to see me.
Talking about Logan ,well if today isn’t my lucky day,he was walking towards me and it seems he wasn’t really pleased to see me.
Just some few more steps and he was finally in front of me.
“Wow! ,Logan am so glad to see you and I know what you wanna say so why don’t we go talk about it somewhere else hah!” I said smiling happily.
He mumbled some few words before he finally spoke up.
“Your right !,why don’t we go somewhere else private” he said and quickly held my wrist.
“I’ll be right back girls ,it seems my soon to be boyfriend wants to talk to me” I said.
“Okay! sheila ” they all chorused.
“Come on “he said and forcefully pulled me along.
“Hmm Logan your hurting my wrist” I complained but he still didn’t answer.
I wonder what could be the matter ?,he increased his pace and I just had to walk faster to catch up with him.
“Logan please slow down ,my legs are gonna hurt ” I complained again.
⏰⏰⏰Minutes later we were both in an empty class room .
Students hardly takes classes here.
I think I know why he brought me here ,he can’t just get over my sexy and delicious body.
” Logan if you wanted sex you could have just asked and you know I would gladly give my body to you” I said seductively.
I just watched him,he was sweating and I wonder why?.
His eyes were blood shot red and he was staring at me with so much rage.
“Hmm Logan are you okay?,are you sick?” I asked and tried to touch his bare neck but he held my hand in mid air.
“Don’t you dare try or even think of touching me you slut!” He yelled and pushed my hand away.
“What’s your problem Logan?” I asked.
“What’s my problem?,your my problem”
“What do you mean am your problem?,I didn’t even do anything ” I said looking confused.
“Oh please! ,Stop being an hypocrite and put an end to all this stupid act of yours.
I know what you did Sheila ,how dare you temper with my phone ,how dare you send Skylar that video.
I can’t believe you videod it,your really that desperate to have me for yourself and can go to any length even if it means hurting someone” he said still staring at me.
“I guess you found out about the video ,achieve I care if anyone gets hurt. I love you Logan and I can’t watch you loving some else ”
“You don’t love me but yourself ,cause if you did you would want to see happy and not be an hindrance to my happiness,your ruining my life Sheila.
You have to stop this madness, trying to force me to love you cause your only making me hate you” he said and ruffled his hair.
“Logan are you still in love with Skylar?,she hurt your feelings and treated you like your nothing and you stay love her ,why?” I said crying.
“Well it’s simple ,Skylar’s got a heart unlike you and I love her with almost my heart and am not gonna give up on her.
I knew Skylar was gonna gonna be happy to see me but you ruined everything.
Most of our problems isn’t from us but you and please from today henceforth stay away from me ,don’t talk to me or even stare at me.
Don’t come to my house,only your presence suffocates me.
You know what?,I wish I never met you ” he said and wanted to walk away but I drew him back.
“Logan please take all of what you said back,I love you and your meant to love me not her” I said immediately.
“Let me make one thing clear,even if your the last girl on earth ,I would rather die single than get married to you or even have you as my girlfriend.
Take note your not invited to my birthday party.
Just seeing your face there is gonna ruin my mood” he said and forcefully yanked my hands off his before walking away.
I knelt down and sobbed.
“This is all Skylar’s fault and no one can stop me from attending your birthday party Logan “I said angrily.